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Nobody talkin trash yet?

For this Hawk fan, I would say the odds aren't in our favor this year. If it was Ames or even possibly a neutral site I think state wins hands down. after last weekend I would find out hard to believe many think Iowa will win. But hopefully they got a good well of practice in and will be ready. And I LOVE the jokes from both sides. If you can't laugh at your own team you are way to serious lol. GO HAWKS!
did you hear University of Iowa's library burned down?
what a shame....some of the books hadn't even been colored in yet.

what does the average Iowa student get on thier SAT?

if you have a Hawkeye wide reciever, linebacker and defensive back in a car, who's driving?
A cop

what's the difference between a bucket of crap and a Hawkeye fan?
The bucket.

and finally, one for you Kratz....
Why does the corn in Iowa lean to the east?
Because Nebraska blows and ILLINOIS SUCKS!!
Who gives a rip if it was ugly or not - a win is a win and a Cyclone win over the Hawkeyes stings bad to Hawkeye lovers.


Way to go Clones!
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