Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    The excitement of a 4 year old......

    This little man is bursting at the seams to watch a gobbler do a backflip! We've been deer and turkey hunting in the man cave for the past 2 months with every weapon known to man - nerf dart guns, lever action toy guns, nerf swords, xmas wrapping paper tubes - and blowing every call in my...
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Minnesota Reassess Deer Pop.

    I have talked about gun season during the rut until I'm blue in the face. The early November deer season is 'tradition' in MN and thats that. Blah blah blah. A very large percentage of MN deer hunters have never seen a mature buck on the hoof and truly have no idea what they are missing out...
  3. Shoot2Kill

    Minnesota Reassess Deer Pop.

    Where I live in MN I would be in favor of the DNR closing deer season for a couple seasons and letting the population recover....it's bad.
  4. Shoot2Kill

    Check out this beaver shot!!!

    Hehehe.....love a good beaver post. :) Nicely done! 330s or snares?
  5. Shoot2Kill

    Found This Figured I'd Share

    If Obama gets 4 more years I'm truly afraid of the irreversible damage he is going to do to the working class Americans in this country. His redistribution of wealth philosophy is going to destroy the backbone of this country. High gas prices or not his ass needs voted OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Shoot2Kill

    What It's All About

    LMAO. Hahaha Nicely done TA.
  7. Shoot2Kill

    What It's All About

    LMAO. Haha Nicely done TA.
  8. Shoot2Kill


    Caught this 50.75 on a 9 foot TI rod last summer. :) And this 44.5. :) I'm replacing an 8'6 okuma rod with another TI rod before opener.....love those rods!
  9. Shoot2Kill

    iowa deer classic day 2

    Holy flippin crap. Literally amazing that a vast majority of both the heads and sheds in those pics have not been posted on the internet (at least that I've seen). Great pics Muddy.
  10. Shoot2Kill

    iowa deer classic live

    Holy crap whats the story on that last buck? That thing is giant! Thanks for the tour Muddy, saved me $ in gas, hotels, beer, food, etc and got to see most of the show. :)
  11. Shoot2Kill

    At the Classic!!!!!

    Can't let it go can ya.
  12. Shoot2Kill

    Winke found the G4 sheds

    Good grief those things are sick! Wow.
  13. Shoot2Kill

    Shed buck contest 2012- it's here!!!!

    Holy smokes thats scary. Its 3 am and insomnia has kicked it again, this post didnt help after I read the 5 Bs to success! Hahahahaha
  14. Shoot2Kill

    13pt 153inch Buck Down!!!

    Hell yeah, great buck and t shirts in January! To the jackwagon making the first post and instantly ruining the post, grow up. There are a hundred other ways you could have got your point across without being a tool.
  15. Shoot2Kill

    Tag issue need help!!

    Being frustrated when something is not your fault does piss a guy off but seriously just swallow the pissed off pill and go buy another $13 tag and be done with it. Kill a doe in both counties and enjoy the fact that you even have that opportunity this late in the year, some states do not.
  16. Shoot2Kill

    233 1/8 4 beamed bow kill

    His pissed off look ruins that pic, too bad. Nice buck.
  17. Shoot2Kill

    Uh, welcome to the big 10 Nebraska

    Yeah, welcome to the Big 10 Nebraska, nice job spanking the Hawks yesterday! Hahahahaha!
  18. Shoot2Kill

    Gross Booner From Public Land - first IA buck

    WOW! Awesome buck man, he is beautiful! Nicely done!!! Congrats!
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