After all the anticipation, after our 250 day tour-bus campaign hitting all 99 counties, all the celebrity appearances, all the groupies following us around all year and after months of stock-piling your rifle ammunition for this long awaited & planned attack in the field... Ladies and Gentlemen, the Circus has come back to town.... I'd like to announce the full-swing launch of the Iowa, 2012 SHED BUCK CONTEST!!!! There's more prizes, more celebrities, a national spotlight, some famous hunters to be discovered and some FABULOUS PRIZES!!! The Board has met tirelessly since the close of last year's outstanding blood bath... We've brainstormed, focus grouped, got sponsors, tripled our membership to, finished our 2012 calendar with big shed bucks and curvy women in bikini's- we're ready to rock, are you?!!??! Can you feel the enthusiasm, is your heart beating, can you feel the tension, pressure and excitement?!?! I sure can. Brings a tear to my eye thinking of the potential this year. 
Here's the contest... The Board has determined we are simply going for 1) the county will the most shed bucks killed, regardless of size of county (this was a debatable issue that had a vote of 1,920 to 1,840 in favor of simply going by county total- of all our board members). 2) Individual members with the biggest shed buck, largest weight, largest pedicles, etc. We have a complex Algorithm that will calculate all this- let us take care of that for you. *BUTTON BUCKS will be counted as 1/3rd of an entry- which, don't be discouraged.... 20-30 button bucks could add up very well for you! :way:
2 Sets of prizes. We'll have prizes for our individual entries AND we'll have prizes for a representative (an IW member) living in the winning counties.
Vivitar 8x50 BINOCULARS..... These are 50mm for low light and will allow our winner to better see the pedicals of our Iowa giant shed bucks. With these new optics, you'll be able to glass your quarry and target those elusive shed bucks instead of mistakenly wasting a tag on a doe...
Super Glue Gel- Tip Repair and Replacement Loctite Super Glue Gel... After you shoot that prized shed buck, most of you lucky hunters will be doing some shed hunting. After finding that trophy set of shed antlers, this strong & durable glue will be able to permanently re-attack those prized antlers to those trophy winning bloody pedicles. This glue is both blood & hair repellent- allowing for a hard & worry free bond....
A Tin Flask filled with Old Crow Whiskey & Rambo style bullet sling/vest that holds well over 300 rounds.
CONSTELLATION PRIZES for all contestants.... The "HUSH" program provides deer for the hungry and needy... NOW... for the guys who just can't "get em all"- we've found a way to get you more deer at no cost!!!.... We are EXPANDING THE H.U.S.H. PROGRAM to be renamed "Successful Hunters Unloading Tasty Unneeded Protein" or "SHUTUP". This program will give free deer to hunters who just can't seem to mow them down or can't afford any more rifle shells or the folks that think we should have a year long deer season. Folks who are begging & shouting for the late Antlerless Season to stay because they just don't have a long enough season to fill that freezer, your problem is solved! Sponsored & supported by your local Shed Bucks of Iowa Chapter.
We need to keep this contest rocking!!! There's no reasons the masses doing the group pushes all week and weekend should stop. The challenge of 300 yard running shots is outstanding and even though rifles are not right for our gun 1 & 2 seasons, 3 weeks until February is a concept that should remain. It's SHED BUCKS OF IOWA'S current stance that we are PUSHING & supporting the efforts to keep the Rifle season open until June 1st. Why cut it short in February? We feel with enough support we can keep the season open until June- more to come and we'll need your support too! The old-school season ending of January 10th is a thing of the past and you need to join the NEW SCHOOL! This will also promote a healthier deer herd- they will be getting driven & pushed all the way into summer- providing daily exercise for our deer herd and thus, healthier/leaner meat - just to name one of many benefits. We're full of more brilliant ideas, more to come folks, stay tuned on our Shed Bucks of Iowa Legislative initiatives. In the mean time- get out there, get the Banana clips out, tune that scope for those long range shots. And keep in mind, we need to get the word out..... Unfortunately, our studies have found over 98% of the successful Shed Buck Assassins are not members of - our research does show they can be found at 10am to 2pm at Willy's Town Bar or Jim Bob's Grease Tavern. :drink1: Please, get the word out!
Some embarrassing truth- "yours truly" has never been clever enough to shoot a shed buck or button buck in my life BUT that's about to change this year- I plan on stacking them like Pan-Cakes this season! This contest and season is about YOU though, we want the prestige, honor and spotlight to be on you and your county!
Get the Buddies, dust off those Banana clips, get the Booze, get on the Bus & get ready to Blast! The 5 B's to success in this year's Shed Buck Contest (Buddies, Banana Clips, Booze, Buses & Blasting)!
Ricky Gervais will be hosting the Shed Buck Contest Award ceremony. We'll keep track of how this progresses, things change in a hurry- this is life in the fast lane folks- don't blink! We'll keep tabs on the counties, a little motivation for the rest of the state: our friends in NE IA are off to a STRONG START AS USUAL!!!....
Here's the contest... The Board has determined we are simply going for 1) the county will the most shed bucks killed, regardless of size of county (this was a debatable issue that had a vote of 1,920 to 1,840 in favor of simply going by county total- of all our board members). 2) Individual members with the biggest shed buck, largest weight, largest pedicles, etc. We have a complex Algorithm that will calculate all this- let us take care of that for you. *BUTTON BUCKS will be counted as 1/3rd of an entry- which, don't be discouraged.... 20-30 button bucks could add up very well for you! :way:
2 Sets of prizes. We'll have prizes for our individual entries AND we'll have prizes for a representative (an IW member) living in the winning counties.
Vivitar 8x50 BINOCULARS..... These are 50mm for low light and will allow our winner to better see the pedicals of our Iowa giant shed bucks. With these new optics, you'll be able to glass your quarry and target those elusive shed bucks instead of mistakenly wasting a tag on a doe...
Super Glue Gel- Tip Repair and Replacement Loctite Super Glue Gel... After you shoot that prized shed buck, most of you lucky hunters will be doing some shed hunting. After finding that trophy set of shed antlers, this strong & durable glue will be able to permanently re-attack those prized antlers to those trophy winning bloody pedicles. This glue is both blood & hair repellent- allowing for a hard & worry free bond....
A Tin Flask filled with Old Crow Whiskey & Rambo style bullet sling/vest that holds well over 300 rounds.
CONSTELLATION PRIZES for all contestants.... The "HUSH" program provides deer for the hungry and needy... NOW... for the guys who just can't "get em all"- we've found a way to get you more deer at no cost!!!.... We are EXPANDING THE H.U.S.H. PROGRAM to be renamed "Successful Hunters Unloading Tasty Unneeded Protein" or "SHUTUP". This program will give free deer to hunters who just can't seem to mow them down or can't afford any more rifle shells or the folks that think we should have a year long deer season. Folks who are begging & shouting for the late Antlerless Season to stay because they just don't have a long enough season to fill that freezer, your problem is solved! Sponsored & supported by your local Shed Bucks of Iowa Chapter.
We need to keep this contest rocking!!! There's no reasons the masses doing the group pushes all week and weekend should stop. The challenge of 300 yard running shots is outstanding and even though rifles are not right for our gun 1 & 2 seasons, 3 weeks until February is a concept that should remain. It's SHED BUCKS OF IOWA'S current stance that we are PUSHING & supporting the efforts to keep the Rifle season open until June 1st. Why cut it short in February? We feel with enough support we can keep the season open until June- more to come and we'll need your support too! The old-school season ending of January 10th is a thing of the past and you need to join the NEW SCHOOL! This will also promote a healthier deer herd- they will be getting driven & pushed all the way into summer- providing daily exercise for our deer herd and thus, healthier/leaner meat - just to name one of many benefits. We're full of more brilliant ideas, more to come folks, stay tuned on our Shed Bucks of Iowa Legislative initiatives. In the mean time- get out there, get the Banana clips out, tune that scope for those long range shots. And keep in mind, we need to get the word out..... Unfortunately, our studies have found over 98% of the successful Shed Buck Assassins are not members of - our research does show they can be found at 10am to 2pm at Willy's Town Bar or Jim Bob's Grease Tavern. :drink1: Please, get the word out!
Some embarrassing truth- "yours truly" has never been clever enough to shoot a shed buck or button buck in my life BUT that's about to change this year- I plan on stacking them like Pan-Cakes this season! This contest and season is about YOU though, we want the prestige, honor and spotlight to be on you and your county!
Get the Buddies, dust off those Banana clips, get the Booze, get on the Bus & get ready to Blast! The 5 B's to success in this year's Shed Buck Contest (Buddies, Banana Clips, Booze, Buses & Blasting)!
Ricky Gervais will be hosting the Shed Buck Contest Award ceremony. We'll keep track of how this progresses, things change in a hurry- this is life in the fast lane folks- don't blink! We'll keep tabs on the counties, a little motivation for the rest of the state: our friends in NE IA are off to a STRONG START AS USUAL!!!....
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