Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 2011


  2. 2011


  3. Shoot2Kill

    Fall fishing fun

    Dang dude, awesome pics. Good times with the little man. That last pike you're holding vertical is rediculous. I'd love to stick one of those fatties.
  4. Shoot2Kill

    Neat sequence of pics

    Hahaha! That is awesome!!!
  5. Shoot2Kill

    Time to move on

    I haven't been around for a couple weeks and heard about this post while fishing this past weekend. First of all, that post is funny as hell. :D Second, as much as I think FB is taking over the planet, I'm glad it's there to be able to keep in touch with you Jay. Love your posts, always...
  6. Shoot2Kill

    Few southern MO fish

    Looks like a lot of work. :D Are they classified as seafood? If they are I'd blow up like a balloon and be dead in about 30 seconds.
  7. Shoot2Kill

    Few southern MO fish

    hahaha! Okay...forgive me...I've never eaten them....how does one eat them? Whole? Pick them apart? Mini forks? What? Great post man....would have been better with the bikini pics. :D
  8. Shoot2Kill

    musky time... finally

    The question there is would you want to be wearing that Hawkeyes hat or not in the picture? Might as well photoshop a cyclones hat onto your head if you want a high quality pic. :D:D
  9. Shoot2Kill

    musky time... finally

    I know a guy going on his 8th year with never sticking a fish and that is no joke. 9 days is nothing. :D In order to get hooked on it, you need success right away to get the virus, otherwise if you just struggle at one trip after the next your muskie career will be very short lived...
  10. Shoot2Kill

    This Ain't Good

    If everyone is in agreement then what will JRBRONC have to prove anyone wrong about? :moon: :D I am shocked that this went to page 6. You know what's funny? The chances of Thomas actually going out and acting on the 3 S's are very slim...they would be for anyone on here. It's just...
  11. Shoot2Kill

    This Ain't Good

    I would love to see you wrestling a 300 lb hog. :D Muddy and I can sit on the tailgate with a 6'er watching you run all over the field. :D
  12. Shoot2Kill

    This Ain't Good

    Seriously? Does every thread on this site have to turn into a pissing match? What happened to this place. If that hog got on the road and someone swerved to miss it and landed in the ditch and died, or hit the hog and died for whatever reason the farmer would be liable and would be out a...
  13. Shoot2Kill


    HOLY smokes man, 120 pike? That is AWESOME! What a way to get a kid hooked with action like that...and BIG fish to boot. That pic with the little man holding that fish is awesome. You need to blow that thing up and put it up in the man cave. Nice work man.
  14. Shoot2Kill

    LOTW Muskie

    Awesome fish man, she's fat, clean, and has the red fins that make them look freckin' awesome. The split crotch is classic. Thankfully it was just the rain pants. :D:D
  15. Shoot2Kill

    Big Crappie

    Gooooooooo! Nice fish man, wow! That thing is a hog!
  16. Shoot2Kill

    Another round of MN Musky Madness!

    I will feel the same way come fall when your yearly post starts...and then again next spring when the shed chronicals fire back up. :D
  17. Shoot2Kill

    Another round of MN Musky Madness!

    It might be possible if I brought my boat up....that thing is a big fish magnet. :D
  18. Shoot2Kill

    Another round of MN Musky Madness!

    I'll let the pictures speak for themselves....we had an incredible night fishing muskies last weekend. With three fish, 2 of them being 50s, this was a night musky guys dream about. I hadn't fished all that much for the first month of the season...new baby, tough weather conditions, etc so I was...
  19. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  20. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

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