Active Member
I've been trying to get the boys out as much as possible. Tait isn't nearly as big on fishing as Reid who wishes to go every single day. We've hauled a pile of perch from a lake right close to home. I don't even drag the boat there as a friend's dad built a sweet pontoon boat that we fish off right against the shore.
We started our summer holidays by travelling to my hometown. I had told reid of the numerous times in my life where my brother and I had sat on the shore of Lake Diefenbaker and caught countless goldeye. Because theyare not found in the more northern lakes he really wanted to catch one. We took some dead minnow rigs one day and caught a bunch of them, he was happy as a clam.
Dad's double header.
We spent this weekend at the cabin. My father in law always wants to fishg walleye whereas Reid and I prefer pike fishing. Beggars can't be choosers and after my wife and youngest wanted to quit for the day I jumped in his boat and pulled this 6 lber out of 25 feet of water on a deep running crankbait.
Here is one of Tait's walleye, thankfully grandpa waited for him each morning to get up and ready before joining us on the water.
Yesterday was one of the best days of pike fishing I've had in a long time in mid July. We started the day with 3 in the boat and although we didn't catch and real big fish we caught ALOT. My wife caught her largest ever, a 15 lb 38" er and between Reid and I after my wife jumped in with her dad, we caught and released 120+ pike b/w 4 and 12 pounds. I simply went seeking large cabbage beds in about 12 feet of water and they were absolutely full of fish. I knew we were not likely going to get any real big fish that shallow this time of yr but I still love catching huge numbers of "nice" fish so it was perfect for us. Reid was exhausted from the all day battle with strong and aggressive fish yet it was I who made him finally put the rod away.
He still needs work as a camera man.
If you've never drifted through cabbage beds and casted for pike that you can watch come after your lure like a bullet, you're missing out. I had a hard time typing this, my hands have been through the meat grinder, but it's worth it.:drink2:

We started our summer holidays by travelling to my hometown. I had told reid of the numerous times in my life where my brother and I had sat on the shore of Lake Diefenbaker and caught countless goldeye. Because theyare not found in the more northern lakes he really wanted to catch one. We took some dead minnow rigs one day and caught a bunch of them, he was happy as a clam.

Dad's double header.

We spent this weekend at the cabin. My father in law always wants to fishg walleye whereas Reid and I prefer pike fishing. Beggars can't be choosers and after my wife and youngest wanted to quit for the day I jumped in his boat and pulled this 6 lber out of 25 feet of water on a deep running crankbait.

Here is one of Tait's walleye, thankfully grandpa waited for him each morning to get up and ready before joining us on the water.

Yesterday was one of the best days of pike fishing I've had in a long time in mid July. We started the day with 3 in the boat and although we didn't catch and real big fish we caught ALOT. My wife caught her largest ever, a 15 lb 38" er and between Reid and I after my wife jumped in with her dad, we caught and released 120+ pike b/w 4 and 12 pounds. I simply went seeking large cabbage beds in about 12 feet of water and they were absolutely full of fish. I knew we were not likely going to get any real big fish that shallow this time of yr but I still love catching huge numbers of "nice" fish so it was perfect for us. Reid was exhausted from the all day battle with strong and aggressive fish yet it was I who made him finally put the rod away.

He still needs work as a camera man.

If you've never drifted through cabbage beds and casted for pike that you can watch come after your lure like a bullet, you're missing out. I had a hard time typing this, my hands have been through the meat grinder, but it's worth it.:drink2: