Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    Opening Day Double - new pics n story page 2

    Great pics man! Very nicely done!!!
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Picked up my mount

    WOW, he does look awesome! Very nice!
  3. Shoot2Kill

    Opening Day Double - new pics n story page 2

    An opening day double with a bow - hell yeah. Congrats Muddy.
  4. Shoot2Kill

    muddys real time turkey tips

    Sure wish I'd have read tip #2 prior to going out yesterday morning! :D:D
  5. Shoot2Kill

    muddys real time turkey tips

    Haha! Sure wish I'd have read these tips prior to going out yesterday morning! :D:D
  6. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    One of the best turkey videos I've ever seen! hahaha :drink2:
  7. Shoot2Kill

    Pilin' em high!!!!

    What type of mod did you do to get those fly papers to twirl like that? :D
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Spring River Walleye

    Holy crap man, those are nice!
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Lake of the Woods!!

    Can't....stop.....looking at the fat chicks you're holding. :D Dang those fish are nice....
  10. Shoot2Kill

    Lake of the Woods!!

    NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE! Dang they are FATTIES! Rod and reel or tip ups? Ok, drrrr....I just saw the tip ups. :) Some fantastic pics man, nicely done!
  11. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    Are you serious? There's the old Don we all loved so much, I knew deep down he was still there under all those religious comments.
  12. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    Very nice dude....3 birds in one day with bows....that's impressive. Nicely done!
  13. Shoot2Kill

    One down. Two to go in NE

    Turkeys on the roost: oh chit, Limb and Weasel just rolled in..... Turkeys on the ground a while later: didn't that guy know Limb and Weasel are here? Idiot, serves him right to eat one of them there new bullheads. :D Congrats fellas. :drink2:
  14. Shoot2Kill

    KS opening day success!

    Nice!!! If there ever looked like a more perfect set up in the timber that is it!
  15. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    Saweet! Where's the hen dec that was violated?
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