PMA Member
I finally had a text book hunt that ended the way it was supposed to. Last weekend I got the mower in the woods into an area that the turks like to congregate anyways and opened it up a little bit. I got in there early this morning and set up and at first light had 2 toms start sounding off within 50 yards of me! I watched one of them strut on the limb for about a half hour. There was one hen roosted almost directly above me. I don't know how I didn't bump her setting up. The toms hit the ground and came straight to me. The dominant bird slowly worked his way to 20 yards while the other hung back a little ways. I let the gobbler getter fly and he went down in a heap. Took out both legs and broke one wing! The other tom quickly moved in to 30 yards and putted for a couple minutes, pacing back and forth. I let another arrow fly just as he turned and just clipped him. He ran off, or actually hopped off, with one leg dragging behind him. He then stood at 70 yards for 30 minutes putting at me before wandering off. I almost tagged out the first hour of the season! I was just happy to have one bird on the ground, and some blood on the new Hoyt. This CRX is the sweetest bow I have ever shot!
Anyway, I finally climbed out to retrieve my bird. He was my first multiple bearded bird, too bad his primary beard was rotted off and was only an inch long. His second beard went 9 1/2", both spurs were 1 1/16" and he weighed 22 1/2 lbs.
My setup
The strutter working his way to me
Anyway, I finally climbed out to retrieve my bird. He was my first multiple bearded bird, too bad his primary beard was rotted off and was only an inch long. His second beard went 9 1/2", both spurs were 1 1/16" and he weighed 22 1/2 lbs.
My setup

The strutter working his way to me