Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    Don I'm actually impressed that you finally manned up and posted some pics....and some decent pics too. It's too bad you can't seem to figure out how to post on here so that people don't want to immediately start ripping on you.
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    DSD watch out! Crockett you just found your calling! haha! That's awesome. What I'm also amazed at is that you have green grass there! I can't wait for green grass.
  3. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    I hope that camper toilet can handle the aftermath of what's about to happen....:D
  4. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    Are you questioning Dons abilities Bushman? I bet we are all in for one of Dons greatest replies ever.....I need to go grab a beer and some popcorn, this should be good.
  5. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    And look at that! Jay actually has photos to back it up! Have any to share Don?
  6. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    There you go Jay! Spooning in the tipi! Hahahahahahahahaha.
  7. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    Pretty sure it was sarcasm Cooter.
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Turkey tip of the day/March 31

    Why dont you just raise your own wild turkeys Don and train a tom to do just want you want and take him out with you?
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    Son of a biscuit....nice. Wish I was behind a spotting scope right now looking at that instead of sitting at this flippin desk. :thrwrck: Get it done Jerry.
  10. Shoot2Kill

    "Mounted in Alaska" - New show on History Channel

    Ha, I've been in that shop multiple times, they mount a crazy amount of animals a year. Looks like a cool show.
  11. Shoot2Kill


    Ouch! :D Dangit, I need a copy of that magazine.
  12. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    Holy crap! Good thing you got the new van for all that gear! :D:D Nice Beaver. :D Good luck homo!
  13. Shoot2Kill

    Lost an old friend

    Wow, that's nuts. Is it normal for a tree like that to be hollow on the inside??
  14. Shoot2Kill

    26" vs 28" Barrel For Waterfowl

    Good info on the barrel, thx man. I've looked at those Eagles, unfortunately the price point is about triple what I can get for a trade on the 223. :-)
  15. Shoot2Kill

    26" vs 28" Barrel For Waterfowl

    I recently won a Savage 223 Varminter Rifle at a RMEF banquet - hooyah, it only took like 2 dozen banquets to finally win a gun! :D It's a sweet gun, but the chances of me really using this gun are pretty slim so I'm going to either trade it or sell it outright. I'm looking at the new...
  16. 4125-25lv


  17. Shoot2Kill

    Few Turkey pics from Today

    WOW, awesome pics. That first one is awesome with them all lined up.
  18. Shoot2Kill

    Who uses motion with their Strutters?

    Can't believe I never thought of that before!
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