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Turkey tip of the day/March 31

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Well, this thread took a wrong turn and I'll admit to my part of the blame.:(
Anyway, nice pics Don. I've got to ask, what is all the meat hanging on the tree? Is that elk? Looks like a freezer load.:way:
Don I'm actually impressed that you finally manned up and posted some pics....and some decent pics too. It's too bad you can't seem to figure out how to post on here so that people don't want to immediately start ripping on you.
Shovelbuck said:
Well, this thread took a wrong turn and I'll admit to my part of the blame.:(
Anyway, nice pics Don. I've got to ask, what is all the meat hanging on the tree? Is that elk? Looks like a freezer load.:way:

Yea, elk meat.
There is only two turkey harvest pics you have??? That boggles my mind with how much you put into your turkey hunting that you couldn't share but two harvested turkeys man with all your toys and upgrades you don't have a scanner for those tons of old pics??!?!?!??!?? Cmon.

And Jay, you're the man.
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Dang guys whats up with everyone just ripping on HCH every chance they get. Granted he can come across a little abrasive, and some times he stirs the pot himself specially when he thinks anytime somebody buys something it because he influenced them but I like seeing the stuff he puts on here some are pretty good practical ideas...and some well not so much but who cares if you dont like it dont open it, sounds pretty simple to me. I just get tired of opening post only to see people ripping on everyone for no apparent reason, shit gets old fast. You dont have to like him, you dont have to agree with him, but you sure dont have to stir the pot or call the guy out either...hes got nothing to prove to any of you and everyone of those pics have been posted on here before he wasnt hiding anything.

Crockett... Ive gotta give you credit that picture was hilarious
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That's a great pic Crockett! Thanks Cooter and rutnstrut. As far as the negative stuff that the infatuated kids on here post, it's just kids the kids on the site with no hunting skills or knowledge of the outdoors. I cast my pearls to the guys that like them , and there is always some swine that benefit. These guys have no pics of their kills they are willing to share, nor do they ever start any threads or share any ideas that help a hunter. Just immature kids that are cool behind a keyboard, but when they see you in person, they keep their mouths shut, and their tails tucked between their legs. Just because I am always packing heat, doesn't mean I am going to use it on you, SPEAK UP in person...geesh, where's your backbone? I met Brewcrew and Sureshot at a deer function, and they were both little kiss butts, but when they hide behind their keyboards, they evidentially think they are bigger then their short stature really is.
I forgot to mention, that the MAIN benefit to cutting the legs off at least one of your turkey kills, is to show you proper distance of the decoy to the ground. I have taken the legs, placed under each decoy, then pushed the deke to the ground till the deke touches the legs, then I use a white paint pen to mark where the stake meets the ground, so the stake is pushed in at the proper depth. Takes the guess work out of how high the deke should set.
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Hahaha! Little kiss butt.....I'm not even sure what that means. As far as posting threads, go back through and look for yourself.

You just made my weekend. Go get another piercing in your ear or something. PM me if you want to talk in person, I wanted your autograph anyways. . I will even buy the first beer, or wait....you likely sip on wine coolers.
HCH, are you seriously implying that you would assault someone one this site? Really? That's a little out there.

Ryan, be carfull what you say, Don's "bringing the heat"
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