Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Poor Rack Score Estimation (Put To The Test)

    From that picture 185 Gross. Cant tell if there is more junk on it and not an accurate width. Will say there is 40" of mass for the score though! And, ya, I would have put an arrow through him no matter what the score was, love the junk and mass!

    My sons 8 pointer

    Great Buck! Notice he Winked for the camera! Telling you that your sone has a later date with him!! LOL

    Not the way you want to harvest a deer!

    http://www.wkbt.com/Global/story.asp?S=13467734 Lady and daughter smoke a 300# buck while driving a mustang convertable!! Like someone commented, I want to see the car!! Horse!! I mean COW!!

    Movement update...

    Buddy just sent me a text from the stand. Had a 20+ wide 10 go by with only 6" tines and no mass. Let him walk. Thinks he should have maybe shot him but didn't. This was at 1:50pm today.

    Movement update...

    My dad connected yesterday morning and I have been seeing deer running through the valley all day today now. It is on I believe. Have been getting pics of some bigger bucks lately as well, within the last 4 days!! If I wasn't done already, I would be on my stand right now. Couple pics have...

    New Guys Showed Up!!

    New pic of stickers. Looks to have lost one of the kickers on the right.

    2 more showed themselves!!

    He is kind of kicking himself in the butt for shooting it but I said, Hey, you haven't shot a deer in 20 years with a bow. Why not shoot him!! Here are a couple other photos of the deer. Pulled the card yesterday on that ridge and got these.

    2 more showed themselves!!

    Two different deer. The first deer was shot yesterday morning by my dad. First deer he has show with a bow since picking a bow back up after 20 years of not hunting with one. gross 144 7/8" ten point. First deer is still on the hoof!! Surprising, that buck my dad shot was only 16" wide...

    Is he dead?

    Muddy, he might but if he can clean it or lick it, he may make it. A buddy of mine shot a buck in the neck, no vitals at all clean through the shot was too. Lots of blood and no deer. Found the sheds that next spring and I shot him muzzleloading the next year. Scare in the deers neck right...
  10. OLETOM

    2 more showed themselves!!

    Now I am really kicking myself for being done so soon!! I can not wait till the gun season!! I would much rather take them with the bow though!! Any idea on scores? 1st is a clean 10, the second looks to be just a 9pnt. The second pick, he looks like he has been on the move for a while, mouth...
  11. OLETOM

    New Guys Showed Up!!

    This guy is apply named STICKERS. Courious to see what he would turn into next year?? Another new guy to show up recently. and last but not least, CRABCLAWS And one for the hitlist!! How wide? I am guessing close to 18 and no genetics and huge body!
  12. OLETOM

    Muzzy Buck

    NICE!! I need my vacation to start today!! I can't wait till Wednesday!!! 4 weeks of solid hunting!! Would mind seeing something like that walk by! Great buck again!
  13. OLETOM

    Hello Split Ear ...my old friend.

    Sweet!! That is priceless!
  14. OLETOM


    Ah, another one comes to mind. My brother and I were hunting near Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin, Way Back When...and I was the first one off stand that night, late season. Freaking coyotes all over the place. They followed us out right into the hay field, 8 of them! All the way back to the truck...
  15. OLETOM


    Try walking to your stand in the morning and having something come tearing out the cornfield your walking along right at you, only to find out that after you have cleaned your shorts out that it was a turkey that must have been spooked out of a tree during the night and roosted on the freaking...
  16. OLETOM

    Age this buck.

    That would have to be my guess as well, 4.5. So when do we get to see the rest of him?
  17. OLETOM

    Back in the Game

    Well if you need help in getting him, give me the nod and and I will be up ASAP!! LOL Good luck and lets see some harvest pics posted!
  18. OLETOM

    Todays pull

    He's dead already! Seen a car had him hit the other day already!! Damn Nice buck he was!! :way: Hellovabuck, put the smack down on him!
  19. OLETOM

    What On Earth Is This?

    One of those Monsters from on Monster Quest on Discovery Channel. It is a cross between a coyote and some kinds of tasmanian devil creature. Found down in mexico and texas!! They sit up right on their tails and hind legs and suck blood from cattle and other wild animals!! NO SHIT!! IT WAS ON...
  20. OLETOM

    May have coyote problem

    Are you sure WisDNR and IowaDNR haven't gotten together and dropped of some of these Wisconsin Wolves over there?? LMAO Ya, I would say you have a coyote problem!! Get Preditor Quest out there!!
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