Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2 more showed themselves!!


New Member
Now I am really kicking myself for being done so soon!!

I can not wait till the gun season!! I would much rather take them with the bow though!! Any idea on scores? 1st is a clean 10, the second looks to be just a 9pnt. The second pick, he looks like he has been on the move for a while, mouth open!! Taken this morning!!


Yeah it looks to be the same buck. He's a awesome deer for sure. Id guess 160+. Hopefully he sticks around for gun season for you!
I would say they are different deer. Look at the distance between the 4's and the end of the beams, seems shorter on the second buck. Either way they or it is a dandy.
Same buck. small 4 on one side matches the other pic. Great buck, but I think you have the same one there at 2 diff dates. good luck with him.
Different deer for sure, the distance from the G4 to the tip of the main bean is much longer on the first one. The second pic is a short crab claw on the right side. Without a doubt different deer. Both nice for sure.
Im saying diff deer also....Beside the previous points stated, id be willin to bet the second buck is a good two inches wider...they always look bigger from the back...that first buck isnt as wide...smaller frame in general.
Two different deer. The first deer was shot yesterday morning by my dad. First deer he has show with a bow since picking a bow back up after 20 years of not hunting with one. gross 144 7/8" ten point. First deer is still on the hoof!! Surprising, that buck my dad shot was only 16" wide, but spread is only one measurement! Nice heavy rack though and tall. He was all excited when I got out there! The old fart!! He took hair of a wide 8pnt prior to the 10 coming in.


He is kind of kicking himself in the butt for shooting it but I said, Hey, you haven't shot a deer in 20 years with a bow. Why not shoot him!!

Here are a couple other photos of the deer. Pulled the card yesterday on that ridge and got these.


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