Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    New Guy Showed Up!!

    Another buck showed up at Pine Ridge. Moved cameras around and caught this guy on camera!!

    Feds Target 60 Poachers

    Throw the BOOK at them, Litterally!! They give hunting a bad rap! And the people coming there to hunt, should know better, they are no better off in MPO! They should have check regulations before going. If it is illegal in your home state, it is probably illegal in the state your going to...

    Giving me Fits

    He is a fatty!! Shoot him!! LOL nice!

    Big ten pointer!! How big ?

    high 140s maybe low 150s. Good mass but those main beams will kill you. But then I dont have a side view to see exactly how long they are or aren't. I have a buck on the wall like that, great mass and not real long tines, but the beam were only 20". If they wrapped a bit you could easily...

    Deer Killing Cats?

    That one right there looks like a real killer! Just might jump up on a hunters lap and chalange him for the chair too!! LOL NICE

    Whats he score??

    upper 150s. If left matched right, damn....mid to upper 160s.


    I will go with that Low 150s! Good mass and g2 n g3s are good as well. Gross, 153 and change!!

    Todays pull

    ummm! Ahhhhh...... I got nothing!! "Take that mother f&*#er out!!" GEESSSSHHH!! He is big....Excuse me I need to go the bathroom now!

    Younger non-typ?

    Looks to be a bit of a FREAK already!! LOL I would love to see another pic of him. That left side looks to have a quite a bit of junk on it! Like the Gladiator said, he has a supper blocky chest. My guess to is 4.5 if not 5.5! He is thick through that chest! Good luck and we want to...
  10. OLETOM

    What do they score?

    Here are a couple close up of a couple of the batchelors from our farm. Any idea on what they might score? How wide do you think bachelor #2 is from that photo? This picture is of Bachelor 1 on Farm 2 This is Bachelor 2 on Farm 2. How wide do you think this guy is? Score? There are...
  11. OLETOM

    My last year of hunting IA as a resident...

    TLambert where is your dads Cranberry Marsh located?? What part of WI??
  12. OLETOM

    Pulled Cards the other day....

    Yes it is!! I hope anyway!! I am pulling two other cards today if I can get out there or some time this weekend. Watch for updates on these guys and hopefully I get Grandpa (s) sooner or later!!
  13. OLETOM

    Biggest Buck Ever!!!

    This is a buck that my buddy shot back in 2008. We have tons of photos of this buck in 2007 and 2008 but he was lucky enough to tag him in 2008.
  14. OLETOM

    Here kitty kitty kitty kitty..........

    Alright, if your not going to shoot it over the milk and prove all of us wrong, I will go with Bobcat. Ears are a little to pointed for a cougar. Nice looking pussy......cat though!
  15. OLETOM

    Here kitty kitty kitty kitty..........

    Set a bowl of milk out for the kitty cat and he will keep coming back. Looks to be homeless stray. Take him in!!
  16. OLETOM

    New Addition...

    Congrats Gladiator to you and the miss's and the little bro!! Now the fun begins all over again!!
  17. OLETOM

    Pulled Cards the other day....

    Here are more pics of the 9 pnt from Farm 2. Disregard the date time stamp. I never adjusted it when I hung the cam this summer, but this one of the same bucks, just in a food plot in the middle of a timbered 80 acres patch next to where the other pics were taken. You think...
  18. OLETOM

    Nice Surprise

    WOW!! Nice buck!!
  19. OLETOM

    Pulled Cards the other day....

    Here are 3, maybe 4 of the bachelors on our Wisconsin farms so far this summer....hoping to get pics of the two slobs sonner or later. Might need to move the cams to the old apple orchard?? BACHELOR 1 - FARM 1 BACHELOR 1 - FARM 1 BACHELOR 1 & 2 FARM 2 BACHELOR 1 - Farm 2...
  20. OLETOM

    Got a Kick Out Of This One

    Wisconsin Leads this board becuase EVERY, I mean EVERY PODUNK TOWN HAS at least 1 Bar! Weather the town in incorporated or not!! Dude, you thought the Tomah Area was nice, other than the bar sceine, it is a traggidy there, but just head a little west of there and it is much nicer! Then go...
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