Switch flipped 5:15. Hadn't seen a deer all day until then. Ended up seeing 13, 5 bucks. Chasing, grunting, snort wheezing. It was a pretty fun night. Nothing huge but one good looker.
Saw 5 bucks and 2 doe yesterday in SW WI. 4.5 yr old, 2.5 yr old and 3 dinks. Buck movement was 9:45, 2:45 & 4:45. 4.5 yr old and dink chasing doe 2:45 in cut corn.
I know this rotation says to plant brassicas mid-late July. I have never really had the deer eating brassicas ever...even radishes...Tried for 3 years. Well this year I planted winter peas with radishes August 14 and they have been hammering the radishes. Has anyone else noticed that a later...
Yes, they dead grass on top definitely helps moisture. Those are great looking plots.
A helpful hint for next time...you could do the 2nd spray of roundup the same day you broadcast your seeds. I do it every time. This just may save you an extra trip in the essence of time. Good luck this...
Thanks guys. Our food plot runs right up next to a big cornfield. We have the farmer leave 12 rows along the entire perimeter for food, seclusion, and for putting out blinds in it. It is a perfect setup because any northerly wind blows out the cut cornfield behind us and away from the plot. That...
For those of you who leave standing beans and hunt a ground blind over them...do you have a problem shooting over the beans at all? Our beans have to be 3.5-4' tall and was thinking that could be a problem in a ground blind. Was thinking about building a platform that is about 2' tall to avoid...
Goodyear Wrangler AT. I just put a new set on my Sierra about a month ago. The previous set I got 57,000 on them. I did rotate them every single time every 6,000 miles. That is key.
And everyone's acorn crop looking like this year?
In the cities where I live usually the driveway is covered non stop. This year...nada.
Where we hunt in SW WI there are zero apples this year due to late frosts. Not sure about the acorn crop there as I haven't walked the timber at all...
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