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  1. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    Thanks. I'll stick to the plan on going to the farm Sept 6th.
  2. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    I planted it pretty early...April 29. This is in SW WI. I just read an article from mid August that said soybean maturity is 9 days ahead of last year and 12 days ahead of the 5 year avg based on setting pods.
  3. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    It's 3.5 hours away so I have to make a guess. Would you go Sept 1, 6, or later?
  4. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    I'm putting down 2 bushels an acre. More concerned about timing???
  5. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    Being as the beans are broadcasted and not row planted, should I wait a bit before I spread winter rye into the standing beans? When would you ideally spread the winter rye? I could do Sept 1 or Sept 6 or later... Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
  6. MNbuckhunter

    2016 Buck Pics

    Just wanted him to post that last picture of the doe ears just above the beans showing you that it is definitely possible to get a good stand of beans by broadcasting. I planted about 3 acres of soybeans with ATV and Kunz Til Ease pull behind. Disced up the soil, broadcast soybeans, disc under...
  7. MNbuckhunter

    2016 Buck Pics

    I have some photos to share but am out of town now and unable to post from my computer. I send BDahms a text with some photos that he will be posting for me later today. Hope you enjoy the pics. I enjoy seeing other posts so I thought I would share some of my own. Can't wait for season to start.
  8. MNbuckhunter

    Am I the only one?

    I'd be happy to share a couple pics if someone wants to post them for me. I can email them to someone who would be willing...
  9. MNbuckhunter

    Overseeding Winter Rye into Beans

    Am going to oversees my soybeans with winter rye around Labor Day. Curious what rate per acre would work best?
  10. MNbuckhunter

    Summer Crappies

    I have a kayak that has a lowrance hook 4 w/dsi.
  11. MNbuckhunter

    Summer Crappies

    Finding crappie in the early spring has been pretty easy for me but have never really tried much after that. Any pointers or tips to help me locate crappies during the heat of summer? I've got a hunch a few of these Iowa deer hunters are also crappie experts! Thanks!
  12. MNbuckhunter

    Best Value Cam

    Hey guys. Haven't needed to look at cams for the past couple year but am now in the market. Ideas on the best value cam? Thanks
  13. MNbuckhunter

    How often pulling cards ? Affects mature deer ?

    So your simple answer is...never??? Just check the weather then? Haha
  14. MNbuckhunter

    How often pulling cards ? Affects mature deer ?

    Generally check them a week or two after initially putting them out (got mine out July 7) to make sure they are working/aimed correctly. Then I won't check them until I spread winter rye in the beans around Labor Day.
  15. MNbuckhunter

    BDAHMS Trail camera thread

    Finally someone gets the pics going! Nice ones. I will be getting my cams out this Thursday.
  16. MNbuckhunter

    2016 hunting- vacation related

    Considering Nov 12-13 are weekend, that means the first slot would get you Oct 31-Nov 13...I don't think it gets any better than that.
  17. MNbuckhunter

    best place in country

    I agree. I always thought SD was a sportsman's dream.
  18. MNbuckhunter

    Broadcasting Soybeans

    Thanks for the info guys. I planted the beans April 29th in SW WI. Lightly disced them in. Here's my question...I love 3 hours away so it's tough to get down there all the time. When would you first spray them? His coming week or the following week? Does it really matter? Thanks
  19. MNbuckhunter

    Fishing Kayak

    Curious if anyone has a kayak setup for fishing? If you do or know of others who have them, any suggestions? Thanks.
  20. MNbuckhunter

    Moultrie ATV Spreader

    Anyone have one? Just curious about the spreading width it produces with soybeans.
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