Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Best day of the year for me. Deer moved basically all day. 17 sightings, 11 bucks. Had our number 1 at 43 yards at 9:00...didn't want to shoot that far so he walked.
  2. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    7 deer, 5 bucks so far. 2 chases. No big boys yet.
  3. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Saw 8, 4 bucks from 3:30 on...biggest was a 3.5 yr 8 pt.
  4. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Got to camp at midnight after a wedding last night. Up at 4 for lots of coffee. Sitting in a ground blind so I don't fall asleep in the tree. November 7th!!! Probably one of the most consistent days historically. Can't wait. Turkey fest thus far.
  5. MNbuckhunter

    Lost my first deer

    I shot a coyote the other night...smoked it. Not a drop of blood...found him in 30 yds away though.
  6. MNbuckhunter


    Not if you have the right wind! I always have a thermos during all day sits. It's a must have to stay alert and awake for me...
  7. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Figured it was a nice day so decided to sit all day and enjoy the southern airflow. Small buck moving at 12:30. First movement since 9:00.
  8. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Had a 150" 8pt trailing a doe right at first light. Single doe at 7:15. Nothing since.
  9. MNbuckhunter

    Lock down....questions.

    I have seen most of my largest bucks during this apparent "lockdown" period...Nov 11 & 12 have been very productive. Pretty much all the way to thanksgiving and a couple days after.
  10. MNbuckhunter

    Homemade Plot Watcher Option

    I brought out my battery operated weed whip to clear out camera sites. Worked great and nice and quiet.
  11. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Sat until 11 this morning. Saw 7, 3 small bucks. One chasing around 2 cruising. 6:15, 8:00 & 9:30 were the buck sightings. Checked a camera on the way out on other side of farm. Had a shooter we hadn't seen since velvet (Aug) go through this morning at 9:50am. Shoulda, woulda, coulda been there...
  12. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Saw 3 doe and 2 bucks this afternoon, including our number one hit lister at 3:50. Also a coyote at 4:40 that didn't make it to 4:41.
  13. MNbuckhunter

    The Ghost of Seasons Past Returns

    Awesome buck! Great story as well. How old do you estimate this buck to be?
  14. MNbuckhunter

    calm down

    Practice holding on deer you aren't going to shoot. You may become more comfortable at full draw.
  15. MNbuckhunter

    How long should I wait

    Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
  16. MNbuckhunter

    When do you start all-day sits?

    Right now according to the cameras I just checked. Target buck has been on a scrape 100 yards off food plot at 3PM two of last 3 days.
  17. MNbuckhunter

    HuntnChick's 2015 Buck!

    Congrats on a beautiful buck!
  18. MNbuckhunter

    Hunt til the last minute

    Cool! Great buck too!
  19. MNbuckhunter

    More active hunting tactics.

    I usually rattle during all day sits. I do it blind just to bring some excitement and anticipation to a very long sit.
  20. MNbuckhunter

    Nice night...

    Great buck! Congrats.
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