Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Rackaddict

    Lone Wolf all ready to go!! Pics.

    That's a great looking setup. Did you get that from an army surplus store?
  2. Rackaddict

    Rage broadheads!!!

    [ QUOTE ] I think in the future I’ll just read. I communicate a little roughly with a key board. [/ QUOTE ] What the heck are you talking about Mike? You've never been rude in your life! You tried these out last season so your opinion is as valid as anyone else here. Speak your mind man...
  3. Rackaddict

    My New Place!

    I thought for a minute that the first picture of the little red bulding and garage was the 5 bedroom house! Glad I looked through all the pics. Real nice place you have there. Congrats on your slice of heaven. By the way, did it come with a good mower?
  4. Rackaddict

    Back from Kansas!

    [ QUOTE ] a small motel deal.. nasty as hell.. we woke up itchin only to find out we got eaten by bed bugs all nite! [/ QUOTE ] I spend 12-15 nights a month in Hotels. TRUST me, it's worth the extra $$$. It may cost me an extra $100.00 or so a week but it's worth it. One guy I work...
  5. Rackaddict

    A nice 8

    You're a big wet blanket Jason.
  6. Rackaddict

    Simply O-mazing!!

    [ QUOTE ] That dude should've laid off the crack before church!! [/ QUOTE ] Exactly what I was thinking!
  7. Rackaddict

    If you had a chance to hunt with a celebrity?

    After seeing Blake Shelton on Road Trips I'd have to say he would be a riot to hunt with. I doubt much hunting would get done with all the goofing off unless it was for wild hogs.
  8. Rackaddict

    270 or 300 Win

    A .270 is a great choice. I went with a .280 on my Encore only because I already had a .270 on another rifle. If you don't have a scope yet, don't be cheap. Buy the best your budget allows when it comes to optics.
  9. Rackaddict

    Mount is finished!

    Looks great! I'm with Rudd. The second pic is way cool. Good job!!
  10. Rackaddict


    Mike, See if there is an Amish butcher around your area. They will usually come to your place and butcher it for a reasonable fee.
  11. Rackaddict

    Scope On TC Encore

    Sounds like a great setup to me. Best of luck with it.
  12. Rackaddict

    Scope On TC Encore

    I have a Zeiss Conquest 3.5x10x50 on my T/C. I am very impressed with it. All my other scopes are Leupold which are excellent scopes. I bought the Zeiss new off Ebay for $407.00 shipped.
  13. Rackaddict

    Jim Zumbo back on the Outdoor Channel

    I saw that as show as well. He sure gave a complete resume of all his good deeds and charitable contributions. Oh well, whatever the reason, at least he apologized for being an idiot.
  14. Rackaddict

    Any real need for a 30+ pin?

    [ QUOTE ] If you never plan on shooting past 30 yards I would for sure set you hunting rig with one pin, making it dead on at 24-25yards. [/ QUOTE ] I couldn't agree more. I've used a single pin at 25 yards for several years with 0 regrets. No mistaking which pin to use.
  15. Rackaddict

    Deer hunting with a bird

    [ QUOTE ] Isn't this about the 4th time this video has been posted in the last week? Still amazing. [/ QUOTE ] Muddy. The Official Monitor of Reposts. Keep up the good work there Bud!
  16. Rackaddict

    Lone Wolf Ad

    Gee whiz Bonker...you better have another drink.
  17. Rackaddict

    New Double Bull Blind?

    [ QUOTE ] I have done this before and not have them give another look. [/ QUOTE ] Same here. They never noticed.
  18. Rackaddict

    My newest Homebrew

    Just curious. Now I can sleep.
  19. Rackaddict

    My newest Homebrew

    Pete, What's the black thing sticking out of the box just to the right of the lens? An external switch?
  20. Rackaddict

    Huge Hog!

    [ QUOTE ] the kid sure didn't need to be ten feet behind it to make it look bigger. [/ QUOTE ] After unloading that many .50 caliber rounds in the beast, maybe that's as close as he wanted to get.
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