Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. TheMadCatter

    2024 - Yellowstone (not the park), Mountain Runs, Kitty Cats, and Bucks (and Bucks).

    2024 made me a Dad, and a Colorado Resident. It was a slow season, I didn't draw any tags and had to rely on OTC or Leftover + Private Land licenses in Colorado. Oregon didn't treat us all that great while we were there Elk hunting. However, I killed a bull elk and pronghorn on the ranch I now...
  2. TheMadCatter

    AK Caribou

    If anybody is interested in doing a 8 day archery/rifle caribou hunt in August, no dates planned yet, renting a car and tent camping. Rough hiking don't want to hike the 5 miles out on my own so need to be in shape. I'd venture to guess it'll cost in the $1,500-2,000 range total for everything...
  3. TheMadCatter

    Oregon OTC Roosevelt, Mountain Lion, Black Bear, and Blacktail

    I'm looking for a couple (2-3) people to get together and come on a 10 day long elk hunting trip and a 5-6 day deer hunting trip along the coast of Oregon. You're gonna have to give me a couple days here to wait to see if I draw my Antlerless Moose tag in Colorado (unlikely) but other than that...
  4. TheMadCatter

    NM OTC Barbary Sheep

    I'm going down to New Mexico and Arizona to bum around and shed hunt/hunt for a month. Anybody want to ride down with me and hunt Barbary in New Mexico OTC? Planning to leave February 1st or 2nd depending on if I get my tower blinds down in time. It's a 15-16 hour drive from Omaha or Southwest...
  5. TheMadCatter

    2022 Bighorn Sheep Ewe Hunt

  6. TheMadCatter

    2022 Idaho Bear Success - Two Bears!

    I posted other pictures in my hunting adventures, but, here’s the YouTube video! Idaho Bear Hunting 2022 - Two Bear Success!
  7. TheMadCatter

    Iowa Deer Classic 2022

    I didn't stick around long at the Classic this year and only talked to a couple of people. Hope everybody is doing great!
  8. TheMadCatter

    TheMadCatter’s 2022 Adventure Thread

    After ending the year on a high note, I’m starting it off good! I decided to go back to Illinois and work as the Lead Deer Technician. I’m excited for the opportunity to work with two new technicians. I want to focus on getting the Albino Doe from last season. She has a broken collar on her...
  9. TheMadCatter

    Bergara B-14 Wilderness Ridge 300 Winchester Magnum

    Hey everyone! I’m selling my Bergara B-14 Wildneress Ridge in 300 Winchester Magnum. I’m now sponsored by Savage Arms and can no longer use the rifle to hunt, so, I’m looking to sell it and buy a scope for my new rifle. What comes with it... 120rd (maybe more, I’ll have to check) of Hornady...
  10. TheMadCatter

    Bergara B-14 Wilderness Ridge

    I have a Begara B-14 Wilderness Ridge in 300 Win Mag that I need to sell. Comes with... Vortex Match Scope Rings Leupold 20 MOA Rail Vortex PST Gen 1 6-24x50mm FFP 140rd of Hornady 200gr ELD-X 300 Win Magnum Ammo plus extra ammo, I think 40rds, I’ll have to check. Bipod and Sling Willing to...
  11. TheMadCatter

    Wyoming Shed Hunting - News Article FAKE NEWS ABOUT ME!

    "When you're accused with misleading facts or fiction you are judged without content and convicted without a defense." When someone makes a news article about me and doesn't even reach out. You can shed hunt most of the state right now east of the divide. Making me look like a common criminal...
  12. TheMadCatter

    Spot Available?

    I ended up losing a place I’ve had permission on since I was a little kid because my Dad retired from farming this year. If there’s anybody who would be interested in trading two and a half days of turkey hunting (April 12-14) for Wyoming turkey hunting info let me know!
  13. TheMadCatter

    Iowa Deer Classic 2021

  14. TheMadCatter

    2021 TeenageHunter's Adventure Log

    Everyone, it's 2021 and I'm still "enjoying it while it lasts" ;) It's been a busy 2021 so far with planning my fall out and figuring out another job to extend into guide season. My outfitter in Colorado that I've worked with for two seasons wants me back again for 2021 to guide Bear, Elk, and...
  15. TheMadCatter

    2020 TeenageHunter's Adventure Log

    After what seems like an eternity hunting season is starting to slow down and come to a close. One of my most successful years yet is almost behind me. For some people 2020 will be remembered as a year of dread and awfulness I'll be able to reminisce back to the "good times". Laughing until I...
  16. TheMadCatter

    Alaska Sitka Blacktail

    Is anyone interesting in going to Alaska? DIY hunting for Blacktail and can shoot up to three bucks, hunt ducks, and fish. Duck species below... Pacific Common Eider Black, Surf, White Wing Scoters Harlequin Long-tailed (Oldsquaw) Barrows Goldeneye YOU HAVE TO BE IN SHAPE we're gonna go...
  17. TheMadCatter

    Oregon Blacktail Deer/Black Bear/?Elk? Combo Hunt Invite October 2020

    Hey everybody, I'm trying to get back out to Oregon again and I'll end up out there one way or another but would enjoy having the company of another person. This isn't an easy hunt and our odds of walking home with something aren't as high as they are in most western states. We're looking at...
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