I’ve been thinking about doe harvest a lot recently. To me it’s not making sense shooting does for “management” I get if we were heavy CWD state in Iowa, but I feel Iowa does not need to be harvesting massive amounts of does. Especially late season. I hear all the time people saying “deer...
Had my biggest year of food plots! Planted roughly 30 acres of plots over my 2 farms, along with 30 acres of CRP. Lots of clover/corn/beans/brassicas. Tried about every method there is for planting and learned a lot. May spread some rye in thin spots of beans and brassicas but I’d consider...
Found 2 bucks this week. The last one has looked healthy on camera consistently all summer and just found dead. Getting it tested by DNR biologists thought maybe we’d be okay this year with all the moisture.
Finished up my corn plot today! Just wondering if anyone here has interseeded annual clover when the corn reaches V4- V6. Any tips or suggestions for success?
Just thought I would share my project from this year. Its been a super interesting process. My family bought a high fence hunting farm that is 500 acres, 4 miles of 10 foot fence. We intended to open it back up to be free range. To make a long complex story short after a few months of trigger...
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