Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Thinkin Rut

    mineral questions

    1st would be Ivermectin...best place to buy, what form does it come in and best way to apply to mineral and grain? 2nd, best place to purchase granular garlic? And does anyone add any straight salt or Dical to it? Starting with kent framework and molasses.
  2. Thinkin Rut

    Tore up!

    I wish I knew for sure which one is the aggressor.
  3. Thinkin Rut

    scrape pics

  4. Thinkin Rut

    Food plots in CRP.

    Is the 10% I've heard talked about a blanket rule or does each contract have a different number? Does food plotting need to be mentioned in the contract?
  5. Thinkin Rut


    It appears they got a fix for the 24 hour rainfall map. https://www.iweathernet.com/total-rainfall-map-24-hours-to-72-hours
  6. Thinkin Rut


    I need an ID on this plant. THANKS!
  7. Thinkin Rut

    Hickory woodlot

    I have a mainly Hickory woodlot and would like to get some assorted Oaks going throughout. I was wondering the best way to go about this would be. I was curious the size of free space that would be needed for a young tree to thrive or maybe planting along the edge only would be a better bet...
  8. Thinkin Rut

    Asian longhorned ticks

    I wonder what the affect on whitetails have been/will be? Nasty SOBs!
  9. Thinkin Rut

    transplanting hardwoods

    Curious on the success rate for transplanting 1 to 2 foot white oaks. Would you dig or pull them?
  10. Thinkin Rut

    Planting speed of Cedars

    How many trees can 2 men with a dibble planting small bare root cedars at a moderate speed plant per hour? I was thinking 25? Thanks in advance!
  11. Thinkin Rut

    Abnormal sides

    Has anyone tracked bucks with abnormal sides? I have two bucks that I’m debating passing till next year or culling out. Curious on the chances these could turn it around or anyway of telling if it’s a bump vs injury? Thanks
  12. Thinkin Rut

    A scar or.....

    A place to rest his chin and put his beer :p
  13. Thinkin Rut

    Fencers in southern Iowa

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a barbed wire fencer in south central Iowa?
  14. Thinkin Rut

    2nd year seedlings question

    How much 13-13-13 per tree is a safe rate? Thanks in advance!
  15. Thinkin Rut

    Frostless frost seeding

    There's no way of predicting mother nature but this warmth is making me wonder what to think about my switch seeding that is supposed to take place tomorrow. Throw it on the ground and hope for cooler weather the second half of the month into early April? Is that even enough time? This ground...
  16. Thinkin Rut

    prescribed burn and Atrazine

    I know seed can take fire if not too hot...curious what the affect to atrazine would be after its been sprayed? thanks
  17. Thinkin Rut

    Planting Cedars

    As I see all the cedars growing everywhere but where I want them, I was curious if you can plant Cedars without killing the vegetation or would you get quicker growth by killing the grass? And if killing the vegetation would be beneficial, could you get it killed before the trees would arrive...
  18. Thinkin Rut

    Gly drift

  19. Thinkin Rut

    Watering trees

    I thought that might have been behind me for the year and I could stay out of my hunting areas before season but it's looking dry again. Any thoughts on that from the serious tree planters out there?
  20. Thinkin Rut

    Weed ID

    Is this weed something that can be controlled by mowing?
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