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  1. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Haha. Exactly what has been said! Unless you want to be hypocritical and say two for thee but not for me!
  2. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    I don’t disagree at all!! If two is enough for some it is good enough for everyone!!
  3. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    My point is the same!!!!! This benefits big ag and the older generation of landowners. Whether it is now or 20 years from now it will benefit the same group of people.. This will without a doubt lead to pushback/ liberalization of regs. Those of us lucky enough to have it good will not enjoy...
  4. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    92% of ground is ag!! Perfect!!! U are teaming up with pro farm bureau and the kill everything group now?? Am i right??? Your proposed regs affect all landowners. Not blaming you!! Just another problem with this bill. It totally helps big ag while crippling the habitat minded small landowners
  5. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Cherry pick more regs/stats while you are at it!!! Is saying this bill helps 57 year olds vs 65 year olds really any bettter?? The facts are the same. This bill without a doubt helps an older generation of landowners/producers. Who are LOT tags really for?? Do you want your non LOT elegible...
  6. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    The facts are not hard to look up. Go ahead and just keep ignoring them and pass the buck once again while you sit back and fail to pass meaningful regulation change
  7. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Totally agree!!!!! That is actually kind of my point. And i think the original intent of LOT tags should be looked into if that’s what we wan’t to do…. Does a rec ground owner deserve any??? Does your 20 acres of crp or 50 acres of crop out of the 500 you own really mean anything?? You are...
  8. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Haha. You can disregard facts all you want it does not change them. My opinions are based on fact. Go ahead and base yours on whatever you want them to be. When you get a chance let me let me know how many midwestern states have LOT tags for those that own over 40 acres or have no crossbows...
  9. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    If you want the facts and can’t look them up roughly 2/3rds of Iowa landowners are 65 or older even tho they represent only a little over 18% of the population.
  10. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Haha!! Just because you are ignorant of the facts does not mean that they are not facts!! Spend the time like I have and look them up!! There is no doubt what age class owns the majority of land. I really do not doubt that when I am that age I will be in the same boat and my current age...
  11. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    How many times are you going to say you’d enjoy others giving up something while you give up nothing???
  12. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    This isn’t that complicated. If the “rich guy” wants things to be better for all he will sacrifice the same things as everyone. If not it will be seen as a rigged system to benefit the elite and will lead to the masses begging for liberalization of other regs to “catch up” or “make things...
  13. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Yep!! I just can’t ever support taking tags away from residents and allowing more to be open for non residents. Might not be the intent but unfortunately it is usually what happens
  14. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Is the floating LOT in your scenario included in the 2 buck max?
  15. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    The 40 acre limit will continue to benefit the older generation of hunters forever. Right now 2/3rds of Iowa landowners are 65 or older. More than likely in 20 years that will still be the case. Those in their late 30’s or 40’s now will be in the same boat as the current landowners. If not...
  16. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Look up the statistics/demographics. There is absolutely no doubt this bill favors a certain age class/voting block. The statistics without a doubt back up my opinion. The facts don’t lie. The very same voting block that sat around and watched our country go 36 trillion in debt benefitted...
  17. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    You and me are the statistical outliers here. We’ve had it awesome!!! Many “normal” iowans 25 years ago were able to easily buy more land than the current non landowner has a chance at. Look at the stats!! Both of us had it awesome!! Even if we think we worked hard for it!! I like to think...
  18. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Thank you for the reply!! Even if I do not deserve it!!! Your reply is why I was quick to join ISC!! I do believe in the cause!! I love TBI but am saddened that it politically has only led to the jealousy of some!! I think it’s awesome tho. I see success stories from every class of hunter...
  19. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    In 20 years will you be happy when some propose you need 500+ acres to qualify for LOT privileges and then accuse you of being selfish if you disagree??? I’d support just about anything as long as it’s across the board.. not a fan of cherry picking winners and losers then calling them selfish...
  20. booneriverbucks

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Not drinking! Worse! Driving! Have a few mins at a time. What age do you think most Iowa landowners are??? I’m well versed in the statistics of landowners in this state. Not blaming them one bit but to compare what an average guy could buy today vs what they could 25 years ago is crazy...
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