I don’t disagree at all!! If two is enough for some it is good enough for everyone!!3 buck tags is too many !! It’s that simple …
That’s not what I’m saying .. take steps, 2 acre parcel gets a buck tag ? Makes no sense. Pick your battles .I don’t disagree at all!! If two is enough for some it is good enough for everyone!!
Once again how can they have a bill to give outfitters tags with no way to actually know how many outfitters there are? I still don’t believe there is any requirement to be registered as one in the state?A little bit of up to the minute information. I went today and spoke with the Subcommittee on hsb 251 this was 500 tags out of the draw for outfitters. I spoke in opposition citing many reasons. I could make a bunch of money on this but it is way wrong on many levels. I think it did pass out of Subcommittee. It also sounds like they are trying to stop the bill ending the celeb tags. Not sure who supports that. All the people that spoke were also in favor of switching the NR draw to 65% preference and 35% lottery so I can see that passing. Good day overall interesting place. Representive Collins supports all these crazy bills.
Not being combative here but all I see in majority of the other deer hunting bills at the legislature right now is pro NR. So hard for me to feel sorry for the NR especially when the bill being discussed here is also negative for residents. I am all for increasing the acreage requirement to stop the loopholes but as I have said before sometimes defense is the best offense and there are some very bad bills that have not been squashed yet.That’s not what I’m saying .. take steps, 2 acre parcel gets a buck tag ? Makes no sense. Pick your battles .
We’ve seen the NR lose tags—archery tag, No more party hunting—Time for the locals to give up something !
I mentioned this on another post under this thread but I may have missed the schedule F requirement for a LOT. I file a schedule F but I thought the reg book just implies “farm income” off the tract. Maybe another way to get a handle on the abuse is to require a schedule F to be eligible. I had recommended adding verbiage to the LOT requirements to “schedule F one out of last five years” or “schedule F in preceding year of buying tag” so as to not be alienating true timber producers. Another requirement could be to have a forest harvest plan. I’m sorry bout the tree person but getting a LOT just because you own timber and have never sold a tree, have never filed a schedule F and don’t have an active forest management plan or whatever you call it should not be getting a LOT tag. I just visited the DNR page and nothing is mentioned of a schedule F for LOT eligibility, only “agriculture purpose” but the rules do say the eligibility is periodically checked with state and IRS to verify ag income and rental implying a filed schedule F.What a lot of folks are missing & some non-hunting legislators brought up “LOT tags - this is meant for people growing crops or income from the land. They must be filing a schedule F. Im not a hunter but there’s a lot of complaints that the program is being misused by people who are not farming the land. That’s not the intention or the law.
Ok this is the info I found as it was being discussed earlier. With the concerns with the filing the schedule F for growing crops or income I view the LOT being issued for loss of income on the property.
There is just so much variance as to the use of properties that I think this will always be a grey area unless removing the LOTs all together.
I can't find justification to the over 40s(just throwing out a number here) getting a LOT If the true meaning was for income loss but they don't hesitate to put 10-15 acres into food plots and other deer attractants on that farm that do nothing but ensure the deer never leave their property. I mean I don't know how many shows I've just started watching that don't seem to have issues to drive over 5 acres of standing corn or leave beans standing so they can place their towers over them, and they possibly are getting a LOT every year. Leaving the crop for wildlife creates the loss on the farm intentionally and also encourages the environment for it to continue to happen. So, if they can afford to drive over and leave crops for wildlife, perhaps they don't deserve the compensation tag, looks like they can afford the loss and the income wasn't the only reason they purchased the property.
There are no easy answers. I am a believer that we do need to make adjustments as we grow and learn as well. Sometimes that means we might have to give something up but that doesn't mean we can't still be allowed to enjoy the original purpose of why it started.
Defining the LOT and the criteria to maintain it for the purpose it is issued could be where we should be starting. The number of acres are irrelevant if your intents are not 100% profit and harvest. You don't see any fields around my area on this $19k per acre ground where they leave anything unpicked. Even the neighbors that get the LOT here pick all of their crop. The cows may get the stalks, but the wildlife has to sort through the remains just like the cattle.
Calling him Boonerville.... Now that's the ultimate burn Skip!I respect all the POV’s here & Boonerville- I do appreciate your perspective. If I disagree… I’ll say why…
Class warfare will NEVER end & u can flush so many examples out that it would turn everyone of us into an angry Liberal if we wanted to focus on it. For example…. I think SOMETHING LIKE 2/3rd of our land ownership is 65 & up. Am I mad at those older people? Of course not. It’s actually a buying opportunity for younger generation if you really think through it.
Land ownership PERIOD could get us a class war argument “you rich guys with land get an extra tag while us peasants only get 2 buck tags”. I assure you- there’s people jealous of your position & by definition- you are probably in the 1%. I don’t even think 1% of residents own land. To some, you’re that rich guy. & so what if you are?
I expect the dude with a billion dollars will have more than me, more advantages & we are not going to live equal lives. Same with the dude with 10,000 acres vs the dude with 10. Or dude with 20 acres vs the guy with no $ hunting public. We can resent each other or: 1) be content with what you have or 2) better your position.
I was the kid at 12 that got shoved onto public after my family sold my great uncles “small chunk” (I think 20-40 acres). I remember being irate (entitled & a brat almost)…. Those RICH people kicked me off and my grandpa said “too bad skip. Go buy your own land”. I was 12. I had already been saving for 2 years and that kicked into high gear. I literally remember having like “6” lawn jobs & DOUBLING it the next season so I could save more for land. I kinda knew at 12…. You can complain & be angry at these folks or you can buy your own. Had that event not happened - I would not have got motivated & would not have spent 11 years saving for land & finally doing it at 21 with $40k to my name …. Buying ground with ZERO income & wondering how I was gonna make the monthly payments.
So ya- there’s a cut off now for the program. It’s 2 acres. The guy with 1.9 might be pissed off!!!
The folks wanting the program fixed on a huge variety of levels I’ve mentioned before.. It’s not ME & it’s not one group but a huge collective of groups, legislators, law enforcement & citizens want the acreage minimum increased. Hearing THEIR argument - I don’t disagree. I voiced I’d like to see my 3rd buck tag gone. I am one dude & for now, they are debating what keeps as many folks happy & fixes most the problems. That’s Compromise. It’s not my decision. 2 or 5 acres- sure- it’s madness IMO but … all I can do is show up, discuss & debate & realize that about a dozen lobbying groups will have input & it still will come down to majority in house & senate. So- if a person has a strong opinion …. They can go to subcommittee meetings- even zoom. They can write to legislators or they can voice their position in other ways. It’s not rich or poor….. it’s simple issues with the laws: who has issues with them, who wants abuses fixed & how to do it. Like any law… this is the process & compromise is involved in about 99% of the laws that actually get passed.
My mom found this & gave this to my wife about 6 months ago.. it’s one of my “business cards” I would make to hand out to neighbors to get lawn jobs. I think i improved & put my phone # on them & services. This was when I was 10…. 36 years ago, broke family, 7 kids & willing to do whatever it would take to get work & save for LAND
That’s not good. That will definitely increase NR land ownership/demand. It will also drive recreational ground prices up. Making it harder for Iowa residents to be able to afford land in their own backyard or get access to it. Instead of a NR landowner having to wait 3-5 years for a tag they could draw one every year just by luck. If I was a NR I’d roll the dice and buy. You guys are worried about 50 celebrity tags and LOT tags when you should be worried about 3000 NR tags being a free for all. Oh, and the outfitter tags. That is nothing new. That has been tried for years. Here is the deal. I sign up as an outfitter so I can get NR tags allocated to me as an “outfitter”. Then me and my NR buddies who own land all get a tag every year for the regular cost of the tag and any extras I sell. Like I said…Divide and concur. Hey look over there, don’t worry about what we are doing over here. Pit residents against each other while we NR slip what we want through. I keep telling you guys to get on the same page. Stop any changes to our current regulations and decrease doe harvest. ISC and the IBA better fight this bill hard and get this stopped. Or you guys won’t have to worry about getting permission to hunt when everything is leased, or being able to afford buying. Oh and the guys worried about a few sub 40 acres LOT bucks being killed. You think that is actually hurting our quality? Wait until recreational land prices top 10k acre and every rec farm in Iowa gets split into 20 and 40 acre parcels or bought by multiple member LLC. See how great Iowa is then. Better get everyone on the same page and keep their eye on the ball!All the people that spoke were also in favor of switching the NR draw to 65% preference and 35% lottery so I can see that passing. Good day overall interesting place. Representive Collins supports all these crazy bills.
On 247 the IBA is monitoring it. If you’re a IBA member you will get a email every week on all the bills pertaining to fish and wildlife.That’s not good. That will definitely increase NR land ownership/demand. It will also drive recreational ground prices up. Making it harder for Iowa residents to be able to afford land in their own backyard or get access to it. Instead of a NR landowner having to wait 3-5 years for a tag they could draw one every year just by luck. If I was a NR I’d roll the dice and buy. You guys are worried about 50 celebrity tags and LOT tags when you should be worried about 3000 NR tags being a free for all. Oh, and the outfitter tags. That is nothing new. That has been tried for years. Here is the deal. I sign up as an outfitter so I can get NR tags allocated to me as an “outfitter”. Then me and my NR buddies who own land all get a tag every year for the regular cost of the tag and any extras I sell. Like I said…Divide and concur. Hey look over there, don’t worry about what we are doing over here. Pit residents against each other while we NR slip what we want through. I keep telling you guys to get on the same page. Stop any changes to our current regulations and decrease doe harvest. ISC and the IBA better fight this bill hard and get this stopped. Or you guys won’t have to worry about getting permission to hunt when everything is leased, or being able to afford buying. Oh and the guys worried about a few sub 40 acres LOT bucks being killed. You think that is actually hurting our quality? Wait until recreational land prices top 10k acre and every rec farm in Iowa gets split into 20 and 40 acre parcels or bought by multiple member LLC. See how great Iowa is then. Better get everyone on the same page and keep their eye on the ball!
Where does ISC and IBA stand on this bill?
Good one!! These guys disgust me!!!Saw this just now
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