I have browning silver 20 gauge with a red field reflex sight kind of a cheap eotech but I wouldn't trade that gun for anything I shot a 20 gauge 870 with open sights for 15 yrs and the transition to the silver was easy and amazing
I also have a trapped a bunch and have always wanted to catch one but have only seen one in Iowa and it's been all of 10 years ago they are definitely a beautiful animal!! Nice pics hopefully u can get a bunch more!
I bought my wife a buckstalker 2 years ago stainless and she loves it it's super light but when you sight them in make sure u bring your shoulder cause it can be a little rough on the kick but I'm also used to my optima so take that for what it's worth but my wife has killed 2 deer with hers and...
i started doing it this year and i let me tell you i have never had that much fun shooting coons i set my call up next to a den about 20 yards and i play the coon puppies sound first for the whole duration if nothing i will switch to the fighting sound and if that one doesnt get any reaction...
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