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Hay Bale Blind Help


"You Cant Fix Stupid"
Need help finishing up my hay bale blind I am using glue to put the erosion blanket on the tarp but idk how good it is going to hold up. any ideas on other ways to get the erosion blanket to stick on the tarp?? The glue isnt working terrible just wondering if anyone had a better way!

If your not wanting to poke holes in the tarp I would think bailing wire up and over the frame then twisted very tight every 6" or so would work well. You can always then use black zip ties or more wire and poke through the mat back around the wire as an extra precaution to keep it from sliding around. I would think glue will break down in ran, snow and sun anyways. Looking good though!
We put the tarp down then we stuck Ice and Water sheild onto the tarp. It makes it very water tight. We used chicken wire to hold the straw mat in place. The straw mat does not last all that long so now each year we cover it like we would cover a duck blind. Grasses, tumble weed, and pin oaks.

The UV rays will just trash the tarp if you leave it out. I have also used Perma Barrier to cover the tarp. It is a 18" wide roll of rubber that is have one sticky side.
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I used the netting that the farmers use to wrap big round bales. That stuff will outlast the erosion blanket.
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