Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Blaster

    imox herbicide

    We use 6 oz/acre in 12 gal of water and it works great for us!
  2. Blaster

    Roosted Birds

    Early in the season i only get within 100 yards of them. But late in the season when the leaves are on you can get right under them! If you have to go by them early in the season make sure it's real dark when you walk by them. They won't know what you are.
  3. Blaster

    imox herbicide

    Are any of you guys using Imox on your Clover plots? If so what are your mix rates per acre. I see they say 4-6oz per acre. But how much water?
  4. Blaster

    Turkey Seasons

    Well said Muddy. As like you I did not even get out this year for myself until 4th season. I try to get the whole family a bird before I go out. I like the kids getting 2 weekends and I like the season going into mid May. If you want to hunt grouped up turkeys like the youth hunters Nebraska...
  5. Blaster

    Turkey Seasons

    Man I agree. I liked having 2 weekends in youth for my kids. Then I could take one each weekend. I also like the season being later. Better weather and you can hunt those mid afternoon birds!
  6. Blaster

    ATV Sprayers

    Fleet Farm has a 25gal with 7ft boom sprayer on sale for $299. Also has a wand for spot spraying.
  7. Blaster

    Reduced recoil turkey

    Same here. The boys have killed em out to 40 with that load.
  8. Blaster

    Bobcat taxidermy

    That's the problem. I will not trap much in southern Iowa. The county that I trap you cannot keep cat's. And this was my oldest boys first trap set with me and we caught a bobcat! So that was pretty cool! The other problem is the ground that I caught this cat on we can no longer trap next year...
  9. Blaster

    Bobcat taxidermy

    We caught our first bobcat trying to trap coyotes. Any recommendations for taxidermy in Iowa? We haven't decided yet if we are going to mount it or tan the hide. What would you guys do?
  10. Bobcat


  11. Blaster

    Deer in my Well - pulled it out .....

    That's crazy!!!
  12. Blaster

    Daughter takes a big one with her 450

    Great Shot! Congrats!!!
  13. Blaster

    Recommend Youth 20 Gauge

    Mossberg Bantam is a great gun. That's what my boys have been shooting since they were 7.
  14. Blaster

    Looking for a new Broadhead...

    That's a big NO! IMO you just risk a mechanical having a mechanical failure. That's why I switched to the Buzzcuts. They fly like a field tip and will blow through a shoulder. And I am real bad at hitting the shoulder! :)
  15. Blaster

    Isaac harvests his first deer

    Great Job and Congrats!!!
  16. Blaster

    Mega hooks, X2

    Not surprised! Coming from the turkey master! Congrats!!!
  17. Blaster

    Turkey meat precautions

    This happened to me years back. The Tom had multiple puncher wounds with puss in them. I cut around them and got to the good meat. I spelled it and the meat smelled fine so I ate it with no problems. But like Muddy said. I fried it in hot oil.
  18. Blaster

    Broken Blind

    Hey Matt. I just broke my zipper on my old Matrix. Will they still repair those old DB blinds?
  19. Blaster

    Pretty Good Weekend

    You boy's cleaned house! Congrats!!!
  20. Blaster

    Overthinking the shell/load?

    Do you not listen to anything we tell you? :) You will be fine with a lite load! Lane killed his Tom this year with a 2 3/4 pheasant load. 5 shot. And the bird was 50 yards away.
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