Thanks for the research! For $100 investment I may give it a shot.Ok, I called keystone and asked them. They recommend 4-6 oz/acre, same as raptor. They said the rate is different for imox because it's listing rates for aquatic application.
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So-so, but upon further review I think timing is critical on IMOX. Early spring spraying is best. I will give it another shot with better timing. I didn't spray until June and the results weren't that good. Either it does better earlier in spring or I am eliminating it out of my herbicide program.Any feedback? I sprayed some plots the beginning of July. It was the second spraying. Just checked last night. One plot had grass, nettles, and some other weed kind of like nettles. The grass was fried, but the other 2 weeds were still going strong. A couple other plots had a fair amount of weeds, but didn't investigate what kind.
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