I'm a fan of the state doing what is best for it's residents. I couldn't imagine the amount of ground bought up in KS in the last year or two that displaced resident hunters. It happens everywhere but KS seemed to be a hot spot to buy recently.
I mainly hunt two properties anymore and they are vastly different.
1 - Des Moines metro urban hunt where it seems quite low. The 5 hunters in this area have killed 10+ does total in each of the last two seasons. Much of the property is covered by honeysuckle and it's taking over everything. I...
When I first started hunting this property in 2022 this buck was one of the first ones on camera and he seemed like he was possibly the most mature buck in there. The last two years I never laid eyes on him from the tree and he wasn’t showing up a lot in daylight on camera. This summer I figured...
I wish I had some private land as well but over the past few years I've had some success on public land - even in the central Iowa area. I'm not sure where you're from but Neal Smith or Chichaqua have a ton of ground. Otherwise I would think there'd be birds on public ground NW of the metro...
If you have 12-14 inches of arrow sticking out I'd say if you got one lung you got both of them. From the description it sounds like a good shot to me. Good luck on the track!
This one was special. My two boys (5 1/2 and 3 1/2) joined me in the blind on Saturday, November 2nd, for an evening hunt. They can't sit still worth a darn and it was rainy so sitting in a blind didn't seem like a bad idea for taking the boys with me. My Dad was already down on the farm and...
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