Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. stickbow98

    Target buck down

    Beautiful Buck! Congrats. Serious penetration on the 1st shot too!
  2. stickbow98

    TC Omega 50 Cal SOLD

    Still available? Email me regarding shipping and payment methods accepted please. (PayPal?) Thanks, Ron stickbow98@yahoo.com
  3. stickbow98

    Chalk free box call

    Sorry I saw this so late... new chalkless box for 2020 the “Old Wet Hen” from The Grind might be what you’re looking for. https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/old-wet-hen-box-call?a=2227677
  4. stickbow98

    Help me find a diaphram call

    This what you're looking for? One of my favorites too! https://www.amazon.com/Primos-Hunting-Calls-108-Double/dp/B0000AVYXT
  5. stickbow98

    Finished Booner

    Gorgeous mount! Congrats on the buck and the tribute.
  6. stickbow98

    the '59 Kodiak

    Sweet bow, Muddy! One of my favorites.... GREAT shooters! Best of luck with it!
  7. stickbow98

    Base Measurements:

    Baby-G, Found this guy... Don't know what he scored, but looks like a possible record spike to me!!
  8. stickbow98

    Ever want to SEE the wind?

    Now you can... found a pretty cool site, national surface wind chart. www.hint.fm/wind/ (Click on map to zoom into your area) Good hunting, Ron
  9. stickbow98

    Cold feet?

    One of the best tips I've ever used is to spray my feet with an anti-persperant before putting on my socks. Sweaty, damp feet get cold alot quicker than dry ones, and stay that way. You'll be amazed at the difference. (I use Sure un-scented)
  10. stickbow98

    watering food plot?

    27,800 gallons to make 1 inch of rain on a acre of ground! That's mind boggling!
  11. stickbow98

    Ohio Whitetail Tallies

    Final Tallies In on Ohio's 2011-12 Whitetail Deer Season The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife announced that 219,698 deer were taken during Ohio's 2011-12 hunting season, compared to 239,379 in the 2010-11 season. The top three counties with the highest number...
  12. stickbow98

    Hanging dead mount

    here's two more.... >>--Ron--<>
  13. stickbow98

    Opening Day Double - new pics n story page 2

    Outstanding Mud!! Great hunt, great pics, and one Booner of a bird! :way: And to think you can have a hunt like that WITHOUT a $200.00 Strutter Decoy.... :D Next thing ya know BigBoi's will be the "gotta have" craze of the year!! LOL! >>--Ron--<>
  14. stickbow98

    Dave Smith Strutter 360 & squatting hen

    Hey, I resemble that remark! :p >>--Ron--<>
  15. stickbow98

    Lets See Them!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's a few of mine... and finally, for those who give a Rats Ass.... :D >>--Ron--<>
  16. stickbow98

    Another Heater Body Suit question

    I personally find I get picked off LESS in my HBS in cold weather because I move around less. Also, the more open patterns like Predator or the Skyline Horizon work amazingly well in breaking up your outline even without background cover. I've called in Coyotes many times in open snow-covered...
  17. stickbow98

    My $70 3D Leafy Heater Body Suit

    LOOKS nice, but seems dangerous to me! I would never be up in a tree stand with my feet tied together- which is essentially what you will be doing in that bag. No way to maintain your balance should you loose it, and I'd hate to have try to ditch the bag while hanging from my harness, and THEN...
  18. stickbow98

    Another Heater Body Suit question

    Try wearing MULTIPLE layers of Scent-Lok undergarments- (a pair of "Depends" just in case) and "Forget the Wind.....Just FART"!!!! :D :moon: LOL!! :rolleyes:
  19. stickbow98

    Heater body suit

    Guys, I've had one for several years and it's the best thing since sliced bread IMHO. It's gotten me out there and kept me on stand longer than anything else I've ever used. Can be a little tricky putting it on in the tree on a small platform, but once you're in it you're as comfortable as if...
  20. stickbow98

    Double Bull Archery SOLD!

    Primos (their parent company) has bought Double Bull Archery. Matrix blinds are already being discontinued...new model will be 1/2 Matrix and 1/2 T-5. Also no longer will be available in Predator camo pattern. Look in the latest issues of your fave hunting mag for the new ads giving info and a...
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