Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

'07 Shotgun buck


Active Member
Well.. i know this isnt a huge buck.. but hes my personal best so far.

I went out hunting alll day today becuz school was cancelled. I didnt see anything and about gave up today but i just had that itch to get out this evening.

Got out in the field at 4:00 and things were quiet.. about 4:30 i see some does about 300 yds to my left up on the hill.. I watch them for about 10 min and i start hearin some crunchin goin on. I thought to myself.. thats what is sounds like when i walk through the snow. So i put my head through the fence to look along the fenceline of the other property i have access to and here he comes. He was about 10 yds away when i saw him (i wish i could have seen my eyes personally). I slowly raised my gun and hes at 5 yds now and is clueless to my presence and i hammered him at 5 yds. Dropped in his tracks and DEMOLISHED is heart. My personal best so far. Hes a 5x4.. on the beam with 4... two of the points have been broken off but i couldnt he happier! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Here is a picture of him!


Nice deer, Congrats. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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Thanks guys..

I know hes not extremely huge but he'll due for the time being! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
At 5 yards you could have busted out the duct tape and taped your hunting knife to the barrel of your gun and bayoneted that sucker. Then you could wipe blood under your eyes and let out the loud war whoops which you probably did. Very nice buck indeed congrads. Way to stick out the crap weather. Very nice.
On second thought duct tape sucks in cold weather, better go with zip ties. Ya thats it Zip ties.
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