My 10 year old son tagged his 1st buck last weekend. Well I think he will be spending a lot of hours of hunting trying to top this one. This giant buck has been on trail camera all summer long. When we went out Saturday afternoon we were looking to harvest a doe and have a good time together. I had the bow with me and he had the muzzleloader. I never thought this giant would show up in daylight this early in the season. Well the Double Tree cereal grain mix was the ticket. Numerous does were in the plot out in front of our bale blind. Jaxson was wondering why I wasn't shooting one of the does? I told him I didn't want to have the doe run back into the woods and possibly mess up his chance at a buck that might be hanging out in the edge of the timber waiting to come out. Well that was a good decision because 15 minutes later the giant stepped out. Jaxson made a double lung shot on the buck @ 35 yards. He ran off and died 100 yards later. We were shooting a 250 grain Barnes TMZ bullet with 36 grains of Blackhorn 209. Deadly combination without much recoil. To say we are on cloud 9 is a understatement. View attachment 118612