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$100 for a Camera


PMA Member
Please! Don't tell me to shell out an extra hundred bucks for a better camera. I already have a good camera I spent some bucks on. I simply want another flash camera to put on our property and pretty much leave it there for an extended time. Not living on the property yet, we have some visitors occasionally, and I don't want to leave my good camera there. I'll be checking it about every three weeks or so, more often when I'm there working on food plots. I have $100 to spend, what should I get? I'm leaning towards the D-40 right now. Thanks!
Btw, this camera will be on a small food plot, so trigger speed isn't too much of a concern.
I have several of the Moultrie game spy cameras and like them. I live 15 miles from both of my places so like you, I'm not there all the time and I don't want a $3-400 cuddeback gone when I go to check it.
I have had mixed results with my moutrie game spy. I had about a month where it took great pics and seemed to capture everything. Recently it seems to take about 40 pictures in the 1st night and go into some sort of sleep mode and not kick on again until I come back to check it and push the on/off switch.

Again this is just my particular case and I may just have a faulty camera. The pics that it did take seemed very clear/sharp for a $100 camera. Good luck!
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