Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Yesterday afternoon I got to the stand around 1:30 pm... From the time I sat down until I shot this deer I had non stop action... I was set up in a funnel and had a combine working a field in my favor... At about 4:00 I had a bobcat spotted. It was my first time ever seeing a bobcat (other than on trail cam) I watched him for a half hour or so and he was then spooked off by a couple does at about 4:30. I stood up as the does came in waiting for a buck. It wasn't 20 second later and this buck came over the ridge. It worked out perfectly, I had the trail that the does were on ranged out in advance... But of course the buck didn't take the same trail... I shot him with my forty yard pin (ended up being 37 yards) and knew I put a good hit on him.(double lung) I watched him run about 15-20 yards after the shot and then start to stumble. I don't know how to describe the excitement (my second deer ever with a bow) I was going through but he ended up at the base of my treestand on the opposite side of the ditch from the one I had shot him from! A couple fist pumps and phone calls/texts to my brothers and friends and I was down and over to take pictures (wouldn't you know my phone died)
He's not my biggest nor the biggest deer but I'm very happy with him! Goodluck to all still chasing them!

Awesome! I don't think you have to describe the excitement to most of us on here. We know:). Looks like he may have some age on him based on the gray face and long nose.
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