11-17 first archery buck


well after 6 years of shooting does and letting the younger bucks walk, I finally got my first archery buck! Bowhunting is such a tough sport, with so many ups and downs I was really hoping on harvesting a buck this year.
This morning was coldddd! Lots of deer were moving. My stand was located off the edge of a corn field inbetween two big pieces of timber, a major funnel where bucks like to cruise during this time of the rut.
Had two smaller bucks work through early...then 3 does...then 4 more does. Then at about 815 this guy strolled through nose to the ground, gave me a 15 yard chip shot. Double lunged and didn't go but 60 yards!! there is not a happier 21 year old in the world today! Hes a 9 point, has split g2's on his left side. Probably would gross 135ish havnt taped him though. HUGE bodied deer, a real pig.