Deer Nut
PMA Member
It really has been a good season for me so far. I've had my highs and lows. I've been unable to kill a doe for some reason. I've been at full draw 3 seperate times on different does and something always happens! Anyway, I had a heck of a hunt this morning! I'd planned on sitting all day but turns out I filled my buck tag at 9:15. At first light a small 8 point bedded down 40 yards from me. Around 8am this morning a hot doe came out of the standing corn and into the timber. Behind her was a stud 10 point. He was 170 all day. And clean. They went by me at 47 yards and behind brush so I never had a shot. He chased off the bedded 8 point and another 8 point that I hadn't seen because I was focused on him. I grunted at him but i dont think he heard it because of the wind. I didnt want to try rattling because the does have been soooo skittish and i figured if I spooked her he would follow her out. Everyone left the area. I sat there wondering if I just missed my chance for the day. Then I see a mid 40s 9 point coming along cruising. Nose to the ground. I grunted at him to get a better look and he came in on a string. I came to full draw just in case I decided to shoot him. He stopped broadside at 15 yards and I let down. Pretty buck for sure, but 3 years old and a ton of potential. At the very instant I let my bow down I caught movement off to my left. A buck I had an encounter with last week was walking away from me at about 50 yards. He was on the same trail the hot doe had been on. I grunted and he couldn't hear me. He faded out of sight into a cedar thicket and I just sank. I figured what the heck I'm going to rattle, just enough to get his attention, and pray. I could not see him anymore so after I rattled I just sat there hoping he would come back. Sure enough about one minute later I saw him making a loop to get downwind of me. Ive killed two other bucks in this stand with the same wind direction after rattling them in so I had a pretty good idea of where he was going to end up. I stood up and turned around to get ready. Just as he gets to 50 yards I notice an 8 pointer coming in also. 10 seconds later I heard something directly under me...Another 8. It was crazy! The leaves were so soft from the rain last night I couldn't hear anything walking in. The three of them saw each other and the big boy chased away the other two and finished coming in to my downwind side. He came right where the bucks in the past had come. 32 yards broadside and I sent an arrow right through his heart! I knew right away he was done and I couldn't wait to get my hands on him! He went around 75 yards. I couldn't believe he went that far considering the Rage made a slice that went halfway across the width of his heart! I'll try to post the pics below. Happy hunting everyone!