11/4 Success

Limb Chicken

Active Member
Well guys it is a bitter sweet end to my 2002 archery season. I rattled this buck in on the 4th at 4:28 pm. I had a chance to look him over pretty good before I shot him. At first I was going to let him walk but after he turned his head a couple of times and put it down once or twice I decided to shoot him as he was standing in a scrape and I knew the exact yardage. Put the pin on his rib cage and let it fly. Hit him in both lungs and he went about 70 yards and piled up. I love this buck but I don't like being done this soon. But don't get me wrong I will enjoy chasing my son, geese, pheasants and a limb chicken the rest of the season.

Good luck to the rest of you guys. I think this is going to be one of the best ruts in a while.



congrats LC, i see they have deaf & dumb deer in your neck of the woods too! time for a cool one by the looks of it!
Very nice!
That's got serious character... Am I seeing 15 points?
What's his inside spread?
Should gross very well, be an interesting buck to score. (let us know what all the numbers look like when you have 'em.)
Congrats on another nice buck!

All whitetails are trophies and he is a dandy. Thanks for sharing your story and photo's.

Your out of the bush Limb!

I know what you mean. Sound like you are one of those among us that love the hunt more than the kill. You have a great buck there, one you can be proud of. I have never wanted to see a season end either. But if you are gonna end one, we'd all like to end ours the way you just did.
Nice Buck Limb Chicken!

Congratulations on a nice Iowa buck...... it always seems bittersweet to end the season before the rut........
Beauty, come on...I bet you didn't think long about letting him walk. Ha Ha! I'm like you sitting on the sidelines a little early. Ohh well.
Great deer!
Limb, congratulations on a really nice buck with lots of character. Also, good job taking time to get some great in the field photos. Judging from the past couple years that I've been visiting this site, it appears you are doing something right!

beautiful buck there limbchicken, i hope we all have as good of luck as most of you are. heading down to mount ayr on thursday night and hoping to get myself one something like that one. up here in northwest iowa we have far and few bucks like that. wish me luck.

now is the time when the big boys get stupid, but if i only got it a certain time a year i would make it count also.
good luck to everyone.
We're on the same page baby! We rocked 8 of them big giants Monday (one banded) with 10 greenheads thrown in on top of em. Might head out later this week.
Good Luck Bud
Nice buck LimbChicken! Those are some nice honkers too. I still have to go out some time with my buddies to get a crack at some geese this year.
Good luck on that longbeard!

Good luck and good hunting!

Limb, Great Buck! Your success is not attributed to only luck. Your positive attitude, persentance and love of the outdoors will put you on bucks like this for years to come.

Nice buck. Love the forked tines. Did you see him any time before you shot him? Good luck with the turkeys.
Way to go! Great deer. Those who have never experienced the outdoors and the hunt are really missing something. It is easy to see that you really appreciate the sport. Congrats and continued good hunting.
You thought about letting him walk!? Are you crazy? That is a beauty of a buck.
Thanks for all the congrats guys!

His inside spread is around 18 inches. Haven't measured it. To be honest with ya I will probably not have him scored. It just doesn't matter to me... I like bucks with a lot of 'stuff going on' and the memory of the hunt preserved in the mount. I would hate to have Ogz spend the time measuring him and then me shrug my shoulders. Thank you for the congrats!

I will be back in the bush tomorrow! I had to get a few things done at work before I could leave for another week!

That is what it is all about. Say Hi to Big Al (Bauman) up there for me! I love that guy!

Thanks and yes it does. There are a few does that need removed. I need to settle the score with one that has been giving me fits. I am beginning to let it get personal. She has a nack for finding me where ever I am on a 160 acres for the last three seasons! I think that may be a bigger challenge than the buck.

Sidelines early isn't always bad...


Thank you. I have been pretty lucky the last few years. I would rather be luck than good any day.

Good Luck. It is time!

People that know me would answer your second question and all I could think about was what he would look like next year! If the hunt would not have been so great and I would not have known the exact yardage he may still be walking.

Thanks again guys.