Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

12-19-15 Shotgun Buck


New Member
Got this guy last Saturday, I was actually walking this timber when he decided to stop and weigh his options of where to go, giving me a chance to take him. Grossed 180 5/8! Lots of character on this deer.



Good luck to everyone still after it and have a Merry Christmas!
Heavy, heavy head right there. Always nice to get a mature deer to stand still, if only for a couple seconds, during a push. Congrats.

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Nice buck! Congrats! What'd he score without the extra brows and g3?

Right about 160, he nets out around 157 and some change...had about 23 3/8 deductions. 3 inches or so of deductions on main frame and about 20 inches of abnormals. If your into net scores, lol I am not, nets are for fishin ;)
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