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13pt 153inch Buck Down!!!


New Member
3 buddies and I went out yesterday afternoon for a late muzzy hunt. This big buck along with some does came through. He ran by a friend who shot and hit the deer which then ran my way. I was able to take another shot and the buck then went down. We also were able to take down a doe as well. Overall it was a great hunt and great time with friends.




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First off, congrats on a nice late season buck!

Secondly ... Wow guys, way to focus on the reason for the post. I'm not saying gun safety isn't important - far from it - but keep it positive and in check. :way:

Thats a shotgun hunter mistake not an all mighty late muzzle loader hunter. Congrats on the nice deer sounds like you had to work to get him and had friends around to share the experience with.:way:
  • Deleted by N/A
This right here is exactly why you see less ppl post there big buck kills.

Including why I haven't posted my 165 archery kill
Same here these forums have so much effect on my life im going to keep my big deer kills secret too.
Hell yeah, great buck and t shirts in January!

To the jackwagon making the first post and instantly ruining the post, grow up. There are a hundred other ways you could have got your point across without being a tool.
Shoot2Kill said:
Hell yeah, great buck and t shirts in January!

To the jackwagon making the first post and instantly ruining the post, grow up. There are a hundred other ways you could have got your point across without being a tool.

Right on!
Congrats on a good deer and a great hunt!
Nice buck, I know you dont care what the first sap posted. Why havent we seen this buck in person. Bring it buy.
Great buck! Is pushing deer allowed in late BP?

I learned this question today. Yes it is legal, and it is legal if you have filled your tag.
I filled my muzzeloader tag this morning far from home. I called the DNR to see what I could do for my buddy who was still hunting.
I was told to wear orange but could not carry a weapon and yes I could push deer to my friend. So with my orange on and no muzzeloader I pushed.
Also congrats on the 13 pt. great deer!!
This right here is exactly why you see less ppl post there big buck kills.

Including why I haven't posted my 165 archery kill

Did you have a possible loaded bow pointing at your guts??????? :confused::D I'm pretty sure we all know whats up here!!!! Nice buck guys!!! :way:
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