Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

190 6/8" Pig


PMA Member
An older friend of mine shot this buck on his farm years ago. It hung in his machine shed covered in dust and bird poo and he finally got it down and decided to have it put on a plaque. We were both surprised by the gross score! I cleaned it up good and will post pics when it is all finished. The color on this rack has me dreaming of Canada! :way:
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Awesome buck Troy!! Dark color is neat.
One of the farms I shedhunt the same thing. Cut off rack hanging in the shed, I'm guessing around 180.
I can't even imagine how many deer like that are in boxes or in old barns across the midwest. That's a great buck.
Looks sweet Skully. Any stats on the rack? Spread? Longest tine?

Thanks guys! Here are some of his stats.He is a 13 pointer with an 18 1/2 inch spread,26 & 26 1/2 mains. Longest tine 9 6/8 & mass over 20 inches on both sides.
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