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In addition to penalties assessed by the court, a person
who is
convicted of unlawfully selling, taking, catching,
killing, injuring, destroying or having in their possession
any animal,
shall reimburse the state for the value of the
animal as follows:
1. For each antlered deer, reimbursement shall be based on
the score of the antlered deer as measured by the Boone and
Crockett club’s scoring system for whitetail deer as follows:
(a) 150 gross inches or less....................... $2,000 to $5,000
and 80 hours of community service or, in lieu of the
community service, a minimum of $4,000 and not more
than $10,000, in an amount that is deemed reasonable by
the court.
More than 150 gross inches.............. $5,000 to $10,000
and 80 hours of community service or, in lieu of the
community service, a minimum of $10,000 and not more
than $20,000, in an amount that is deemed reasonable by
the court.
2. For each deer ....................................................... $1,500