I will clean this up, lighten it up a little and make it concise & go over it a few times. I just finished 1st draft. Left out some specific info but this is my draft, will be final product by tonight.....
____ and I'm an avid hunter & farmer. These farms are in ____ counties. I let 30+ friends & family hunt my farms that I started buying at the age of 21 - I am now 41. I spend as much time deer hunting as probably anyone you know & I work on these farms everyday. I've also hunted every single one of our neighboring states for many years. PLEASE leave Iowa's deer hunting regulations alone. Please stop adding seasons, new weapons & liberalizing the deer hunting regulations in any way. It's as challenging as it can be already. These Non-Resident Land Owner Bills will specifically do this:
"Skip" Charles Sligh
____ and I'm an avid hunter & farmer. These farms are in ____ counties. I let 30+ friends & family hunt my farms that I started buying at the age of 21 - I am now 41. I spend as much time deer hunting as probably anyone you know & I work on these farms everyday. I've also hunted every single one of our neighboring states for many years. PLEASE leave Iowa's deer hunting regulations alone. Please stop adding seasons, new weapons & liberalizing the deer hunting regulations in any way. It's as challenging as it can be already. These Non-Resident Land Owner Bills will specifically do this:
- Increase land values substantially within 6 months, most like me believe the limited timbered land will go up $1k/acre in 6 months & $2-3k/acre within a couple years.
- Iowa has 6%-7% timbered acres (ISU data). We have far less than any of our major deer hunting state neighbors. We have the best managed deer herd in the country because it hasn't been "sold out". The age structure & management of the resource is "very good" and other states have decimated their deer hunting - why they all flock here. All of my farms are surrounded by 50% NRLO's who bought here to hunt because their state was sold out & ruined. It would climb to 80-90% very quickly if the laws are changed.
- The access for the everyday hunter is GONE. The opportunity for new hunters and hunter recruitment will destroyed. New hunters will not hunt when there's no quality land to access.
- My personal land will not be greatly impacted as I have enough of it. I could make a fortune if these bills past. That alone should make you think very hard on how the residents who could profit off that land are sounding the alarm that we don't want this to happen. We care about our state's fragile resource & the future of hunting over the DOLLAR! I care about the everyday hunter and the new hunters that need a chance to get into this great sport. These bills would be the absolute worst things for that group!
- 6%-7% timbered acres: https://www.extension.iastate.edu/soils/crop-and-land-use-statewide-data Substantially less than other states. WE NOW HAVE 6 DEER DEER SEASONS! (Youth season, Early Muzzleloader, Archery, Gun 1, Gun 2, Late ML). WE HAVE 6 LEGAL WEAPONS: Shotgun, bow, Muzzleloader, Crossbow late season, Short wall rifles, Pistols, etc. WE HAVE ALMOST 4 MONTHS OF DEER SEASON.... September 15 to January 10. This state has all the seasons, weapons and "opportunities" anyone could ask for. THE CHALLENGE!..... ACCESS TO QUALITY LAND!!!
- Every resident landowner I know who is like me is friends with their Non-resident Landowner neighbors. We all know they fled their state's failed system. We simply don't want it to go from "half our neighbors are NR's" to "All of our neighbors are NR's" - which it will as the elderly die off and prices go through the roof. We have a tiny amount of habitat VS the demand & please help us defend our own state against those that wish to exploit it and ruin it for the voters & young hunters or everyday hunters.
"Skip" Charles Sligh