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2 Proposals for Iowa Conservation!


New Member

You may have seen these 2 proposals floating around the internet by now. I've been in contact several times with the creator of the proposals. He is just an ordinary Joe from Sioux City, Iowa that cares about hunting and conservation. He got the ball rolling, now he needs the help of the public. I myself hate to see an Increase on these 2 activities, but at the same token it's only $8 increase if you partake in both activities, the inactivity of us hunters to get behind these iniatives won't make hunting in Iowa any better. We need to do things like this to get matching money for habitat, which in turn benefits all critters.
(There is also a proposal that may take place that would be even better if it goes through, it is for a dedicated 1/8th of a cent of the state sales tax to be dedicated directly to the DNR. With this proposal everyone pays for the outdoors, not just the hunters and fishers, I'm trying to find out more on that proposal to see where it is at. The sales tax proposal is supported by the Iowa State Division of the Izaak Walton League and the Iowa Waterfowl Association.)
Below, One is for an Upland Stamp and one is for an addition to the existing State Waterfowl Stamp.
Included in this email are legislators that are directly related to this legislation possibly going through. Take a few minutes to read up on the ideas and the numbers. Then contact the lawmaker if your in support.

If you have any comments, let me know and I can forward them or get more info. Please forward this to anyone that may be interested.
The creator of the 2 proposals is Bill Smith at fhd101@aol.com


Upland Proposal

As an upland bird hunter of Iowa we pay a lot of attention to the Farm Bill as it is a key element and contributing component to a lot of conservation programs in Iowa. As sportsmen of Iowa we realize that current times and budget issues have placed a lot of financial problems on supporting strong conservation programs in Iowa. We upland bird hunters realize that some of the best programs may not be fully funded and may be stricken with less than optimal budgets to continue those efforts. We upland bird hunters however have taken this issue unto ourselves and have devised a 2 part Plan that will bring more money to Iowa's conservation concerns. We will start out by looking to address Iowa's poor water quality. We have been following a proposal made by Iowa waterfowlers that is set for legislative action in 2006 when Iowa legislators reconvene and think that we as upland bird hunters can duplicate that process that attract more federal dollars to our state to address our poor water quality concerns. This measure however also address key proponents to quality of our water tables and vital upland and wetland habitats.

To date Iowa does not have the ability to attract those federal dollars and Iowa depends on other sources of contributions through other conservation groups or Organizations. This in part is also limited based on membership support or organizations financial limitations and as an upland bird hunter we wish to change this by making a strong proposal to you our legislator.

Pheasant hunters of Iowa are suggesting that we create an Iowa pheasant stamp. This stamp is to be bought by pheasant hunters. This stamp and it's associate fee is to be Directed to the IDNR Trust Fund and held separate from all other funds that may be directed to the IDNR TRUST FUND. This fee is to set idle until it reaches a 1 million dollar match ability. This 1 million dollar match ability then shall be directed to Iowa's IDNR NAWCA Division where it can be applied to as match for the Federal NAWCA fund which matches pheasant hunters dollars on a 1 to 1 ratio. The million dollar match raised by upland hunters of Iowa can only be applied to projects that permit public recreational hunting opportunities, most noted upland hunting but not limited to. This match ability will then bring our financial resources up to 2 million dollars to be spent on restoration of wetlands and associated upland habitat that are and act as natural water filters. These projects will contribute to much improved water quality and at the same time improve Iowa's critically important wetland and upland habitat status. This fund shall not be utilized for any other programs or be utilized as a substitute for other budget shortfalls with in the state of Iowa. May not be utilized as a resource to restore or enhance habitat on private lands that do not permit public access or recreational hunting opportunities.

It is also important to sustain and enhance Iowa's Buffer Strip program that may be run by the NRSC in Iowa. It is our understanding that willing landowners must endure some financial burden when considering putting buffer strips along its ditches, creeks or rivers that run adjacent to there agricultural farm fields. These buffer strips act as filters that stops or filters out chemicals placed on ag fields or crops. These buffer strips also provide critical and vital upland habitat for wild game and wild life. Iowa pheasant hunters would like to have a portion of the pheasant stamp fee set aside as financial assistance for private land owners or farmers to help with absorbing most of the burden placed on landowners who are willing to put buffer strips along there ditches, creeks and rivers. Pheasant hunters are willing to do this as long as willing participants who utilize this assistance or fund for buffer strips, also permit that buffer strip, to be open for and to public pheasant hunting. This portion of the proposal would sustain a solid conservation effort to improve upon Iowa's current buffer strip program and yet provide more recreational upland hunting opportunities state wide. This aspect of the said proposal shall be accessed every 5 years by applicants seeking assistance and should and shall be based on a first come first serve basis. It shall be titled as Pheasant Hunters Buffer Strip Assistance Fund and strictly under the context or guidelines set forth in this proposal that permits access to these financially supported projects by upland bird hunters. Said portion of the pheasant stamp fee shall be directed to the IDNR TRUST FUND and the program implemented by the IDNR. This said fund shall not be used for any other programs or act as a substitute for other IDNR budget or state budget short falls. The proposal laid out should encourage more participation and implementation of buffer strips in Iowa that in effect curtail agricultural chemical run off into our waterways and enter our water tables. This proposal is and will have long term positive effects at improving Iowa's water quality. It also provides and encourages more participation in the program along with strengthening a working relationship between the sporting community of Iowa & farming community of Iowa.

Both proposal set fourth in this letter have profound positive effects for Iowa's conservation efforts at improving water quality, creating more recreational opportunities, generating more state and local commerce, restoring and enhancing Iowa's critical and vital wetlands and upland habitat status.

Models for both Programs or Funds

Iowa Upland Bird Hunters Pheasant Stamp NAWCA Fund
168,000 upland hunters/Stamp Fee is $3.00 dollars and $1.00 of that fee is to be allocated to Iowa Pheasant Hunters Buffer Strip assistance fund.

168k x $2.00 dollars = $336.000 generated yearly to the three year cycle of Fund. Notice that on the 3rd year a million dollar match ability is reached and on that year, the interest rate from that is to be carried over to the next 3 year cycle of the program. In short it creates a 1 million dollar match ability every 3rd year and also works towards a 1 million dollar match ability every two years. This will not be reached in short term but acts as a source of revenues that perpetuates the funds ability to reach both short term 1 million dollar match and long term every two year match ability. This is done by always carrying the interest rate from that 3rd year over to the next new cycle.

Year 1: $336,000 x 5% interest rate = $16,800 Total $352,800
Year 2: $352,800 + $336,000 = $688,800 x 5% = $34,440 Total $723,240
Year 3: $723,240 + $336,000 = $1,059,240 x5% = $52,962 Total $1,059,240 Match

Second Cycle of 3 Year program
$52,962 is carried over from the first cycle of the program to start second cycle!

1 Year: $52,962 + $336,000 = $388,962 x 5% = $19,448 Total $408,410
2 Year: $408,410 + $336,000 = $744,410 x 5% = $37,221 Total $781,631
3 Year: $781,631 + $336,000 = $1,117,631 x 5% = $55,882 Total $1,117,631 Match

Third Cycle of 3 Year program

$55,882 is carried over from the second cycle of the program to start third cycle!

1 Year: $55,882 + $336,000 = $391,882 x 5% = $19,594 Total $411,476
2 Year: $411,476 + $336,000 = $747,476 x 5% = $37,374 Total $784,850
3 Year: $784,850 + $336,000 = $1,120,850 x 5% = $56,043 Total $1,120,850 Match

Fourth Cycle of 3 Year program

$56,043 is carried over from the third cycle of the program to start fourth cycle! So goes the process repeated. Note that the third year Interest is vital to the program because it is a sustained source of revenue that is perpetuated, helping the fund and the process grow in every cycle. Every year that the fund reaches it's $1 Million dollar match ability the Money is to be allocated from the IDNR Trust Fund to the IDNR NAWCA Division as a matched source of revenues for the Federal NAWCA program that directs a 1 to 1 ratio or match ability. The match federal money is no more than $1million dollars per grant but would DBL upland birdhunters resources to put more habitat restoration and projects on Iowa's landscape.

Iowa's Pheasant Hunters Buffer Strip assistance fund.

1 year 168k x a $3 dollar stamp fee = $504,000 / 2 dollars directed to Pheasant Stamp Nawca Fund minus $1 dollar from this fee resource to be directed into Iowa's Pheasant Hunters Buffer Strip assistance fund. That fund would stand at year 1- 168k dollars and be accessed every 5 years by willing applicants. This would bring that fund to at year 5 - $928,306.05k dollars in financial assistance to willing land owners. This would restore critical upland habitat on private lands but also provide and increase recreational upland hunting opportunities based on the strict rule or guideline of this fund implementation.

This fund acts alone to support Iowa upland hunters goals and restoring critical and vital Upland habitat as Buffer Strips that in turn Supports Iowa's conservation efforts to improve water quality concerns. The byproduct is that our efforts help improve Iowa's bad or poor water quality and at the same time helps Iowa expand it's buffer strip program. The great benefit to this program is that willing landowners who apply for this financial assistance must comply with the rule that said buffer strips must be made public for upland hunting purposes. This one dollar fund is to be directed to the IDNR Trust Fund and Idle for the period of every 5th year to be accessed and implemented by the IDNR. This fund may not be utilized for any other program or act as a substitute for state budget short falls or IDNR budget shortfalls.

The Funds formula in return may be a little higher based on daily return rates. I used a yearly method for a round abouts figure.

1 Year $168,000 x 5% =$8,400 = $176,400
2 Year $176,400 + $168,000 = $344,400 x 5% = $17,220 = $361,620
3 Year $361,620 + $168,000 = $529,620 x 5% = $26,481 = $556,101
4 Year $556,101 + $168,000 = $724,101 x 5% = $36,205.05 = $760,306.05
5 Year $760,306.05 + $168,000 = $928,306.05 <--- Land Owner Assistance

The byproduct is that our efforts help improve Iowa's bad or poor water quality and maintains a sustained solid conservation effort that is benifical to Iowa Upland hunters and Iowa wildlife. The two proposals also act to expand Iowa's conservation efforts by expanding funding both on a Federal level and on a private level.

Please show your Support by contacting the legislature below. Tell them that you Support the Upland Bird hunters proposals and that you would like to see this proposal a part of Jan 2006 legislative ACTION. You may also print this copy and mail it to your Legislator or distribute to friends.

Your Name_________________________
Christopher Rants
State Representative
E-mail: Christopher.Rants@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 2740 South Glass Street, Sioux City, IA, 51106
Home Telephone: 712-274-8874
Legislative Contact:
Sioux City Iowa
Phone Contact:
515- 281-6367

Michael E. Gronstal
State Senator
E-mail: michael.gronstal@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 220 Bennett Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, 51503
Home Telephone: 712-328-2808
Business Telephone: 515-281-4610
Business Fax: 515-281-3361

[censored] L. Dearden
State Senator
E-mail: [censored].dearden@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 3113 Kinsey, Des Moines, IA, 50317
Home Telephone: 515-262-1203

Dennis H. Black
State Senator
E-mail: dennis.black@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 5239 E 156th St S, Grinnell, IA, 50112
Home Telephone: 641-527-3172Occupation: Conservationist
Business Telephone: 515-975-8608

Waterfowl Proposal

Nearly 98% of wetlands have been lost, 100% of our seasonal and temporary wetlands lost and 99% of our natural prairie grass habitat lost!

Waterfowl Stamp proposal. Tittle: Iowa Waterfowl Stamp NAWCA Match Fund

Under the proposal or plan a moderate state duck stamp fee of $5 dollars was acceptable and a fee increase of no more than $7 dollars the limit. The state duck stamp fee increase would be directed to the IDNR trust fund and idle for minimum 5 years. It is important that the 5 year idle period be recognized as a key proponent of the fund. The fund will be activated for use every 5 years. That is when the fund will reach it's 1 million dollar match ability that would attract a 1 million dollar federal match resource from the federal program NAWCA ( North American Wetlands Conservation Act ). It is also important to note that they key proponent or operation of the fund hinges on the 5th years interest rate being carried over into the next 5 year cycle of the fund or program. The interest rate is important to note because on the 5th year as it carries over to the beginning of the next 5 year idle cycle it propels the first years funds which in turn perpetuates the funds ability to grow. This ability allows Iowa to move that 1 million dollar match ability up the 5 year ladder. As the fund grows so does the 5th year interest rate returns. Eventually as it is carried over to the first year of every new cycle and fee contribution our match ability moves up the ladder in years. The fund grows and so does the interest acquired.

This process allows us to reach a matching ability every two years eventually but also guarantees a match ability every 5 years. Proposal number 2 addresses short term needs of Iowa's wetlands and associated upland nesting habitat. The long term effects are simple. We will be increasing our habitat that in turn attracts a migration and produces more ducks. It also provides long term solvency for matching federal funds from the NAWCA program. This generates and would equate to more money being spent in Iowa of wetland restoration and land acquisitions that provide and increase recreational waterfowling opportunities. Your duck stamp dollars will be matched by 1 to 1 ration other contributing sources may also increase that ratio!

The manner in which it is to be used and directed. The state duck stamp fee increase shall be directed to the INDR trust fund and strictly used for the sole purpose of a matched resources for the Federal program NAWCA by the IDNR or Iowa's own NAWCA Division, which directs a matching resource of monies to the state of Iowa and implemented in Iowa under NAWCA guide lines or rules. This fund shall be accessed every year that it reaches a 1 million dollar match ability and the interest rate from that year shall be carried over into the next year of the fund or new cycle of the fund. This assures that the fund becomes self sustained and perpetual moving it's ability of a 1 million dollar match up the 5 year cycle or ladder. When the match ability of 1 million is reached for every two years, the excess monies shall be directed into and strictly to the states current state duck stamp fund and utilized that year to support state duck stamp agendas in Iowa only!

The proposed Fund & Model looks and functions exactly like this.
Iowa's Waterfowler NAWCA Match fund or program. Based on a maximum 7 dollar fee increase or moderate fee increase of no less than 5 dollars.

$196,000 x 4% / $7,840

$399,840 x 4% / $15,994

$611,834 x 4% / $24,473

$832,307 x 4% / $33,292


1 million spendable match dollars
$1061599 x4% / $42,463 <---- Roll over interest to new 5 year cycle

2nd cycle of 5 year program so you get a feel for it.

1st year of New 5 year cycle

fee$ 196,000 + $42,463.00 interest roll over from past cycle
= $238,463 x%4 = $9,539

2nd year
$238,463 + $196,000 + $9,539
=$444,002 x %4 = $17,760

3 year
$444,002 + $196,000 + $17,760
=$657,762 x %4 = $26,310

4th year
$657,762 + $196,000 + $26,310
= $880,072 x %4 = $35,203

5th year and 1 million dollar match ability
$880,072 + $196,000 + $35,203
= $1,111,275 x %4 = $44,451 <---Interest carries over to 3rd cycle of 5 year program.
As you can see our 1 million dollar match is reached on that 5th year but a little bigger and on that 5th year ,our interest that year is to be carried over is a little bit larger as well. This process allows us to sustain and perpetuate our money or fund so that we move that 1 million dollar match ability up the year ladder to our goal of every two years. The interest on the 5th year that is carried over to the new 5 year cycle is what permits us to move that ability up the year ladder.
As a state we must take advantage of our opportunities that permits & directs federal dollars to our state to address our critical state wetlands , water quality & waterfowl needs.

Please show your Support by contacting the legislature below. Tell them that you Support the Waterfowl Stamp NAWCA proposals and that you would like to see this proposal a part of Jan 2006 legislative ACTION. You may also print this copy and mail it to your Legislator or distribute to friends.

Your Name_________________________

Christopher Rants
State Representative
E-mail: Christopher.Rants@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 2740 South Glass Street, Sioux City, IA, 51106
Home Telephone: 712-274-8874
Legislative Contact:
Sioux City Iowa
Phone Contact:
515- 281-6367

Michael E. Gronstal
State Senator
E-mail: michael.gronstal@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 220 Bennett Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, 51503
Home Telephone: 712-328-2808
Business Telephone: 515-281-4610
Business Fax: 515-281-3361

[censored] L. Dearden
State Senator
E-mail: [censored].dearden@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 3113 Kinsey, Des Moines, IA, 50317
Home Telephone: 515-262-1203

Dennis H. Black
State Senator
E-mail: dennis.black@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 5239 E 156th St S, Grinnell, IA, 50112
Home Telephone: 641-527-3172Occupation: Conservationist
Business Telephone: 515-975-8608
We already have a "pheasant hunters stamp" it's called a habitat stamp or more recently just a habitat fee because there are no longer any stamps given. Along those same lines there's already a state duck stamp (migratory bird fee).

I guess I don't see what you are proposing when the fees you are talking about are already in place.

The 2 fees would be just to strictly improve habitat and land acquisition in Iowa and obtain the matching grant money that is available. These funds would be seperate, the way I understand it from these other stamp monies.
Please email Mr. Smith at fhd101@aol.com.
He can answer details more precisely.
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