Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

200+Gross Archery Buck Shot in Butler County


New Member
I just thought I'd share this buck. Shot tonight by high schooler by bow at 15 yards. Im not a professional by any means but I scored the buck quick to get an idea. The buck has a 25 7/8 inside spread. Let me know if you guys would like more info. I gross scored him at 209.


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Now that is a whopper. Nicely done. Please share a story to go along with this great whitetail.
I'm originally from Butler County - any idea what part of the county he was shot in? I'm interested to know the story also....that is a VERY rare deer for North Central Iowa. GREAT BUCK! :way:
That is a great buck for sure. Gotta love the width on that bad boy, but he doesnt seem to have the tine length to go 209" but hey Ive been wrong before. Great but none the less and would love to hear the story.
well the guy who shot it is a high schooler from New Hartford. The deer was shot in between Parkersburg and New Hartford. Shot at about 4:30. Deer ran about 250 yrds before expiring.
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