The most 200” deer shot by single hunters are NOT guys on TV. There’s some of who have shot 1 to a handful now but not the most. There’s 2 guys I knew personally who have shot the most I know of. They are private & u won’t find pictures & if so- rarely. Never entered and maybe the pics get shared among buddies - that’s about it.
I’ll describe both generally out of respect for them & their privacy but here’s scoop….
Buddy who has a KS farm. I’ve been There maybe 4 years ago. It’s right around 400-500 acres. Really good. I used to hunt near him some years back. He’s got a neighbor with 200-240 that doesn’t allow hunting. He’s got Walk-in across road. On another side is 2 farms about 160 each that get “permission guys” in there & not managed but not destroyed. Over 20-25 years - this guy has shot a Legit 6 bucks over 200”. He’s had a few slip by that he never got as well. He’s just got a honey hole but he NEVER lets a “young 180” deer” get shot. Never on his land. He lets others shoot mature bucks & they shoot all the 120-160” mature dominant bucks they can. But protect those gems that get shot on 90% of other places. Also- I’d say most of the bucks were 6-7 years old. That’s just hard to do but doable.
One other guy who shot maybe 5-6 200’s…. This doesn’t really “count” when we talking DENSITY…. He just scouts like 50+ farms and areas a year. Across several states and countless acres. How he gets access to it all - I don’t quite understand. But heck, he might scout 50,000 acres & find 2 & hopefully get one. That’s just a numbers game + a dude with crazy ambition & hunting skills. I couldn’t do that to that level but props to him.
Last: a large farm I know that I can think of having 1-3 200’s probably 10 times in last 30 years. 2 different times it produced 3 200” deer. Yes- it happened. I don’t know what that farm is like the last few years & don’t follow it close but I’ve helped landowner with some projects & how they manage things. Same thing: amazing genetics & nutrition, small core areas for bucks. Don’t kill any young giants (yes, they would pass a 190” 4 year old for example). Kill all fully mature deer & bullies. Patrol for poachers, etc etc. Food is dialed in for premium nutrition. Good sized farm where most the time they can control the deer not leaving or getting shot. A rare situation?? Of course!!!! One in a million for what’s out there but it can be done.
Heck- up in mason city (NC iowa) dude was selling a 640 & buddy was looking at maybe buying it. Guy planted willows, shrubs & trees into a previously ag field. And tall grasses and left food up. Took 5-7 years and it held deer like crazy. In area NO ONE ELSE DID ANYTHING EXCEPT FARM & COMBINE EVERY ACRE. Pressure on land was way down & didn’t kill young studs (see a theme here?!?

) - killed 2 200’s in 5 years. Had other giants. On a farm that 20 years before didnt have a single deer on it!!!
All of these are talking about “elite, cream of crop, rare situations or hunters” but if a chunk of land can be controlled & managed right….
Or minimize the killing of young studs- it’s clearly a game changer. Can most folks do this? NO. But it’s possible & that alone is pretty interesting.