Illinois is a case-study I think a book could be written about!!!!
3x the cover of iowa. It used to produce more giants than probably any state. Perfect mix of ag/best soils in world & timber. Overall it has a better foundation than iowa due to more cover.
It went from being the “top tier elite state” to mediocre. Clearly the bottom line of what happened is: the best 2-3 year olds get pummeled every season. Why it occurs & how to reverse that are not that complex.
Of course, like any state, you can find neighborhoods well managed that still produce giants. The KEY there is this happens anywhere by people saying “screw how the state or regular neighborhoods dictate things, we are gonna take it into our own hands to manage it better than the everyday area”. Coops, whatever you want to call them…. Usually pop up in response to bad regulations & hunting quality decline. It’s unfortunate because we know what it takes for hunting to be exceptional state-wide. Where EVERYONE wins on average. Vs only on the places that buck the crap regs.
IL will always produce SOME 200’s due to the short gun season + perfect whitetail habitat + guys that limit the killing. That state could blow up to better opportunities for EVERYONE & produce far more mature bucks if they went to a one buck rule. Maybe moved gun back a week. IL was amazing. Could be again but the hunters, voters & citizens would have to prioritize the resource just barely ahead of the $. & don’t misunderstand…. The $ would still be there. Heck, if they made it a one buck system or anything to improve the hunting - it actually would bring in MORE $!!!! When common sense takes ahold in IL (long shot & take some time, but it’s possible!!!!) that state could go back to being balanced, awesome, producing many 200” deer again & it COULD beat out iowa by a long shot. Illinois COULD have an amazing deer herd & premium hunting but the management of the resource has the same “great minds” behind it that run Chicago
POTENTIAL is the key word!!!! Wasted potential is the current key words 90% of states have adopted. Doesn’t mean it needs to be like that forever!!! Sorry…. Rant over. For now.
