Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2004 Big Morel Contest!

My brother and I found some hogs this weekend. One is almost 13 inches and pretty wide. My scanner is still not working. Need to send the pics to someone? Any takers?
official measurements 13inches tall x 4 1/8 inches wide. I think ironwood will post the pics for me soon.
I think we have a winner and a new Spore & Fungus world record at 17 1/8"S&F.

Congrats on a great trophy morel!
We did not eat them...they were starting to get a little burnt/dry. Actually lost about an inch of stem when picked. We were turkey hunting and just had had a tractor scare a big tom out away from our blind, so we got up to leave and walla!! there they were. There were many others that had bigger bases that had been trampled by the cows so god knows there may have even been bigger ones out there.
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