I hear what your saying DOR, but you'd think at about $325 a pop including your tag and fees associated for a NR to get a deer tag down there...they'd open up a few more tags to at least make it possible to go every other year. I've been down there scouting 2 weekends in the last month and there isn't a shortage of deer that's for sure. I understand that you can't just open the flood gates for NR's and attempt to keep the quality of the hunt near the same, but it sort of sucks to think that maybe every 3rd to 4th year we'll get drawn. So I'm torn on both sides of the issue. Not to mention the extra $$ NRs bring down to Iowa in hotel costs, food, gas, extra hunting equip and other such things. And if QDM is truely the goal of Iowa and it's hunter population(which is suspect from the amount of dead little bucks that I've found on public land), why aren't NRs not allowed to aquire a doe tag at a cheap price? Either way, I'm hoping to get drawn this fall with a pref pt of 1!!