New Member
Top deer was taken 11-04-06 at 25 yards in Northern Iowa on the fourth day of my hunt. TOK was about 4:15pm. This bad boy was hot on a doe going full tilt just down hill from my stand. I spoke mildly (HEY) once he did not stop, spoke alot more louder the second time (HEY!), still did not stop and yelled almost at the top of my lungs the third time (HEY!!!!!) he finally herd that, stopped broadside at 25 yards looked in my direction while at the same time a Carbon Express Arrow traveling at 265 fps with 62 pounds on kinetic energy armed with a Steel Force 100 grain broadhead passed through his vitals. He ran thirty yards and fell over. He was my best buck to date, gross's in the lower 140's for an 8 pointer and I love the mass on the guy.
So got home late to WI on Saturday night, dodged severel dozen deer between Iowa and Wisconsin going home and got the hide off that night went to bed about midnight to get some rest.
Spent Sunday (11-05-06) butchering and caping this dude out. While butchering my deer two bucks walked through my back yard during mid-day so I was getting fired up to get my butt back out in the woods, but I decided to take the rest of the day off on spend some quality time with the wife and little one.
Went to one of my spots in WC Wisconsin this morning (11-06-06) and the bottom dude walked in my direction at 7:15 am. This bruiser walked right underneath my tree. Once again had to say (Hey!) to get him to stop. The second he stopped the old Carbon Express Arrow was already on its way. He went about 35 yards and fell over. He is an eleven pointer and gross's in the low 150's.
Needless to say, this season was spectacular and both of these fellows were my best bucks to date.
Good Luck to all and have a safe hunt!