Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2006 Shot Gun Kill


Active Member
I've posted the picture into the 2006 Trophy Room but I can't figure out how to get it here. I know someone will help me out. Just ran across the picture and thought I would share. Shot him 1st season at less than 8 yards hit him 2 times in the heart and 2 other times and he still ran about 100 yards. It was just my old man and I after everyone had decided they had had enough walking. I credit my dad for getting this deer as I almost cut my finger off helping my buddy skin his deer and I was getting pretty comfortable on the couch after I got done helping him. He said he would walk some little draws to me and I told him he was crazy since he had pnuemona (sp?). It ended up working out. Its probably the best buck we've killed on this property as they always slip through our fingers. He was a 6x5 but had 2 broken tines. 19" wide and pretty heavy. My old man and I had a couple shots of Tequila to honor this buck. Not the biggest but it was pretty fun with just me and my old man. What do you guys think he will score??
Here You go nice looking buck
Good story.

As for the score, with only that picture to go off of...and I'm thinking it's a bad angle (down and sideways), I'd have to say it would be low 130's at the most. Hard to tell with that picture.
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