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2007 bow kill


New Member
Well I finally sat down and figured out how to upload my photos. This is my bow kill from 11/3/07. Well it was sat. afternoon and I was a little late sneaking into the stand. My stand was in a ditch with a logging road running past it near a field edge. I didn't see any deer activity for most of the night. I heard what sounded a little bit like a deer walking so I grabbed the grunt tube a let out a couple grunts. A few minutes later I saw a deer walking out of a bedding area towards the field edge. As soon at it hit the open field I saw it was a shooter. He walked right along the field edge towards my stand. I didn't think I would get a shot because the field edge was a bit out of range. Then he headed strait towards me down the logging road. I stood frozen with no cover to draw back behind. He then was coming about 15 yards away quartering to me. I thought now or never and drew back behind a very small fallen tree. I drew back as fast as I could and got about 3/4 of the way back when he came around the tree and I slowly drew back the rest of the way. Luckly he had his head down trailing. I stopped him with a grunt broadside at 12 yards and got him right through both lungs. My deer ran and expired right underneath another hunters tree stand that he set up about 60 yards away from mine lol.
looks like you got more than uploading pictures figured out. Fantastic Monster!
WOW two real hogs you shot, congrats! I bet the other guy bowhunting was pissed and I sure hope you were there first, not saying you weren't.

Wow, that is a nice buck, Congrats. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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I'm guessing you owe alot to the after school awesome archery/hunting teacher you had in Jr. High.....I think his name was Chip?

I saw the pic in the paper, congrats Joe.
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