Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2007 Doe Harvest

This will be a post I'll be able to partake in. I have 8 extra doe tags and I'll be flinging arrows like the natives after a wooly mammouth.
Shot 3 last Sunday AM here in MN. All donated to our new HUSH program. What a great deal all around.
I shot a button about 30 minutes into season this morning, i dont think this counts as a doe but i thought it was one. I wasnt planning on shooting a smaller one but I have been gone overseas for 3 years in the army so I was a little nervous since i bought all new equipment. I wanted to make sure I still had it. Donated him to hush.

p.s. I wasnt nervous do do lac of practice, i shoot 3 times a week.
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