The new ladders are incredibly nice but be prepared for sticker shock! I looked at all their new stuff at the ATA in Atlanta and got to speak to the new owners a bit. They are very nice people and still dedicated to turning out the best treestands on the market.
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Sticker shock is right, I know it's real bad. Somehow they think they can get a huge amount out of a LW ladder or huge stand.
I don't think they realize who their target market is. A guy doesn't buy lone wolf to clunk it through the woods to parallel it up on a tree or take 20 minutes to hang such a huge clunky stand. Plus you don't exactly want to leave $300 stands in the woods because these aren't easy to take down and out. You get LW for quiet, easy to hang, non creaky, slip in and kill jobs.
I really would like to try out the assasin though. I stand most of the time on stand anyway so this I think I would try if it's quieter than my assault and sticks.